Chapter Twenty Four

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A/N: Sorry guys for the cliffhanger teehee! Thank you guys for 327 reads! That's crazy! I would love to get your comments and votes please! Thank you to some people for commenting, but please keep commenting an voting!!

A weak cough came from the hospital bed. The nurses turned around, writing ferociously on their clipboards. "H-How?", A nurse asked shocked, as the heart monitor began beeping again. Remus, James, and Peter ran to the hospital bed. "He's alive.", A nurse said. "Are you serious?", Peter asked, wiping his face. "I'm.. always Sirius.", Sirius said weakly, coughing. The nurses began connecting the IV's to his arm. James smiled, tears still fresh on his face. "Wanker.", he said playfully. "Water", Sirius coughed.

Remus handed Sirius the water, and Sirius sipped it greedily. The doctor walked in, and began asking Sirius questions. "How are you feeling?", she asked. "Peachy.", Sirius said sarcastically. The doctor laughed, "Sorry, stupid question, but I need to know.". "Er, it hurts everywhere. Especially my chest.", Sirius said, wincing as he rubbed his chest. "Yes, I expect. You're going to need surgery.", she explained, "There's something lodged in your chest, and we need to get it out.". "What's surgery?", Sirius asked. "Silly boy.", the doctor laughed, closing the door. 

Sirius looked around. "I'm not kidding, what's surgery?", he asked, confused. "Er.. they cut you open and operate on you.", Remus explained. "Whoa! That's so cool!", Sirius exclaimed, high fiving James and wincing. "You okay?", Remus asked, examining him. "Yeah.", Sirius lied. "Sirius, I'm sorry about-", Remus tried. "Forget it. Just a prank.", Sirius said, lying again. Remus nodded. 

The doctor walked in, looking somber. "What happened?", Remus asked, his voice catching. "Neither driver survived.", she said, hanging her head.  

"It's time for your surgery.", the doctor said, helping Sirius down. "Bye, guys.", Sirius said weakly, as they helped him into the wheelchair. Another nurse came by, flipping through her clipboard. "Is he okay?", James asked, jumping out. "He is, they're prepping him for surgery. I need to discuss something with you.", she said, "This procedure is not an easy one. He will have some effects.". "Like what?", Peter asked. "He's going to lose a lot of weight, he's not going to have an appetite for a while.", she explained, and then walked away. "Some birthday.", James sighed. The three boys waited. "I'm tired.", Peter said, yawning. James and Peter had been up all night, staying by Remus' side. James and Peter went to sleep, but Remus was wide awake. He waited, staring at the clock as it ticked by, minute after minute. Remus used his crutches to walk to the receptionist. "Can I use your, er, telephone?", Remus asked. Lily had given Remus her own telephone number, which she kept in her dorm. He rang the number, and Lily picked up. "How was the plane? How's Florida?", Lily asked. "Lily, it's Sirius. We're in the hospital.", Remus said. "Shit. What happened?", Lily asked, her voice rising. "We're in the hospital. There was a car crash. Sirius is being operated on.", Remus explained. There was a silence. "Lils?", Remus asked. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm here, sorry.", Lily said. "Is everyone else okay?", she asked. "I broke my leg.", Remus chuckled dryly. "Remus, I'm so sorry.", Lily said. "James and Peter are fine. Sirius gave us a scare, the car flipped over on top of him.", Remus explained. "Oh my god.", Lily breathed. "I'm on my way.", Lily said. "No, Lily, you don't have to-", Remus tried, but Lily had already hung up. 

Remus sat back down in the waiting room, sighing. 

Sirius walked in on Remus staring at the mirror, frowning. "What's wrong, Moonykins?", Sirius asked, wrapping his arms around Remus. "My scars.", Remus said, blushing. "Stop, Remus, you're beautiful.", Sirius insisted. Remus laughed, "I think you're the beautiful one.", Remus said. Sirius shook his head. "The girls'll be all over you, Remus. Just you wait.", Sirius had promised. 

Remus shook his head. He couldn't be in love with his best friend. Could he? Remus was shaken out of his thoughts by seeing a familiar redhead outside. He stumbled over his crutches as he opened the door to a frazzled Lily and McGonagall. "Professor?", Remus questioned, as he let them in. James yawned, stretching. "Are you boys okay?", Minnie asked, as Lily hugged everyone. "Professor apparated here with me.", Lily explained. "Is Sirius not back yet?", Lily asked. Remus shook his head. "He's going to be okay, right?", Lily asked. "All we can do is hope.", Remus said, and they waited. 

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