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And yet again, the chapter is short. But at least I wrote something^^

Hope you like it! And beware, there may be many mistakes in it as I am tired. It's 3:30AM where I am at right now:o

I love writing as you can see, I update non-stop.

Thanks so much for the support<3



A week had passed since she was told that Nova had been killed. They said he had just disappeared. No body or scent; like he never existed. She told her parents that it was probably just all a misunderstanding, and that he was most likely alive. But she had every single symptom of losing a mate. Nesta knew too, as she had lost hers before. Since the day she found out, she lay in her bed, not moving. She never even looked outside, hadn’t seen sunlight for what seemed like forever. But her whole body felt numb, disconnected from reality. Her parents visited her, but every time she saw them, she wanted to puke. Seeing mates together happily nearly killed her. The only people she actually talked to, maybe mutter a few words to here or there were Damon, Derek, and Nesta. The pull she felt towards Derek calmed her, and Damon’s presence made her feel normal at least. He really was her light in all the darkness; it was ironic.

Nesta and she had become a lot closer ever since Nova’s…death. They both understood what each other felt, whilst others who never lost their mate’s wanted her to get back to her old life. Hadyn walked in the day before and tore the shades apart, shining bright sunlight into the room. Santana hissed, and became so enraged she said some pretty harsh things. She was becoming a recluse.

A knock at the door sounded. It opened as she didn’t bother to even acknowledge the person. It was her little brother.

“Hey sis, I just wanted to pop by and see how you were doing,” he smiled at her but it was a sad smile. Not fake, just depressed.

She didn’t bother to reply.

“You know, I really miss you. In fact, everyone does. Why don’t you let off some steam today at the training field?”

“No,” was all she said.

He stared at her with sadness in his eyes, then left, closing the door gently on his way out. She listened to his footsteps as he walked down the stairs.

The door opened again five minutes later. She glanced towards it to see both Damon and Derek. They walked over and plopped themselves on each side of her. The love she felt from them caused her to wince. These two good men really cared about her. But she knew deep down that Nova wouldn’t like it.

Damon patted her on the head gently and said “Santana, guess what? Hadyn’s pregnant! Isn’t that great? You’re going to be an ‘Auntie.’ She just found out today!”

Her mouth quivered before she burst into depressed sobs. She wanted children with her mate, and now she’d never have any. And her best friend was so happy…

The two men who lay beside her made her feel warm and safe. She pulled them close and drifted into another very gloomy sleep…


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