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The pink dress here is Hadyn's dress!


She slapped his face angrily. "Damon, wake the fuck up! We did it again!" she screamed.

He opened his eyes, narrowing them at her. "What the...?" he stared at her exposed breasts in awe. His cheeks turned pink.

"Oh shit!" she covered herself. "Damon, how come I'm in your hotel room?!" she screeched.

"I-I can't remember..." he looked around the room. "I don't think Nova would let this happen. So where the hell is he?" his voice sounded rough.

"I have no idea. My clutch is gone too, and my dress is?" she glanced on the floor. "I don't have any clothes here," she closed her eyes worriedly.

"Did we...have sex?" she whispered, obviously upset over it.

"No," he looked at her shaking his head. "At least I don't think so?"

"How can you tell if you don't remember? And I'm basically naked!" she screamed and gasped from the pain stabbing around her skull.

"Sometimes I rip off...the underwear before I fuck a girl," he admitted.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" she looked at him like he was crazy.

"It just turns me on a bit I guess. But I would never do that to you if I were drunk. Trust me. It's not my style," he held his hands up trying to calm her down.

She bit her bottom lip, causing it to bleed. "Nova probably dumped me after this. That's why he's not here! He left me with you..." tears trickled down her face, animalistic sobs escaped her throat. Even Sage was in agony over it, she could hear her snivelling deep within.

He hates us now. Look what you've done Santana!

*I was drunk Sage. I didn't know this would happen again so stop torturing me!* she cried out.

Damon wrapped his arms around her, only to be shoved off. "Don't you dare touch me!" she yelled loudly, extremely depressed and angry.

"I'm sorry Santana!" he shook her by the shoulders. "But this was meant to be. I would have never told Nova about what happened before, except we really did it this time. He knows, and I'm surprised he didn't kill me," his brown eyes wide. "Or maybe he doesn't know?" he stood up and went to the bathroom. "I'm going to have a shower."

She listened to the tap being turned on and closed her eyes, trying to remember what happened the night before.

"What was the last thing I did?" she mumbled.

"Hadyn, I need to go pee!" she yelled loudly.

"Then go girl. Or do you want me to come with you?"

"Yeah, thanks I love you so much girl. You are just the prettiest person I've ever met, like seriously. Look, that girl thinks so too," she pointed to the lesbian who they talked to a lot while dancing. She was a vet or something?  

"She's pretty too!" Hadyn yelled before she ran at the other girl dancing.

She went to the bathroom, really needing to go. Falling into the toilet, her dress got wet from...the dirty water. After barely washing her hands, she ran out to the bar where Nova was sitting.

"You know I love you right? You're mine!" she yelled.

He didn't smile, just got up and left.

That was all she remembered...

"What the hell? Why did he leave?" she asked herself confused.

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