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Here it is, finally! I have some time this week, so hopefully I can finish this story by the weekend!

The song that I have here is what I listened to while writing this chapter. I love it, fits the scene perfectly. While reading, listen to it. The song is freakin' brilliant! It's classical, so...

Thanks for reading and supporting me, I really really appreciate it!

Hope you enjoy it-

Vote, comment, fan<3



The enemy rogue wolves backed up into the forest, hiding like the cowards that they were. Once they saw Santana and her army, they ran away with their tails between their legs. Santana barked loudly, challenging them to fight.

Guessing they got pissed off over her mocking them, some appeared in the clearing and snarled. She could hear it from across the field and laughed to herself. None of them could scare her, she was fierce and so was her pack. The best of fighters were on her side, and could tell by the looks of the rogues that they were malnourished and weak. She understood why Xavier’s mate couldn’t handle them all as twenty against two was deathly, especially since the girl was young.

Suddenly, the rogues stood together at the clearing, preparing to fight. Sensing danger, Santana leapt up in front of her brother, ready to defend. She promised her parents that he would come to no harm, and was going to keep that pledge. He was her little brother after all; she loved him unconditionally and would do anything for him.

Some rogues’ stepped forward, their backs’ hunched up and ears back. They looked aggressive and cold-hearted. She did the same but as usual, Derek got in the way. He shoved her behind him and growled. It was disrespectful to act that way towards the leader. It made her pack look at her differently, thinking she couldn’t stand up against another wolf; like she was weak.

She bared her teeth at him, snarling in the process. He had no right to all of a sudden go ahead and take control.

When she tried to step forward, he nipped at her neck angrily. Her eyes widened in shock over his behaviour. His bite was hard too, and he meant it to be. She yelped and slashed her paw against his side. Just as he went to defend himself, a bunch of the rogues started running towards them.

Derek snapped his head back and focused on the new fight. The enemy wolves didn’t stand a chance against them. Two jumped at Xavier, most likely because he was protecting their targets. Santana couldn’t get to him as five rogues had their sights on her as she stood out like a sore thumb. She was the only white wolf there and obviously the leader. The fight was on!

Santana glanced over at Derek who looked like her old mate, aggressive and protective. He jumped beside her this time and growled viciously, barring his sharp canine fangs. Doing the same, she turned back to the rogues descending upon them. One by one, they sprinted towards the other side. Santana’s pack prepared their selves for the war, crouching down into a defensive stance.

Xavier defended himself against the two wolves, who clearly didn’t stand a chance against him. It was his mate he was protecting; of course the enemy would get killed right away. Out of the corner of her eye, Santana witnessed her brother fight off two full grown wolves. One latched its teeth into Xavier’s side, while he snapped the other’s neck. He then flipped himself over to finish off the other. She smiled inwardly at how strong her little brother was. Next time, she’d let him come to fight if he could handle taking care of rogues. He was to be the future alpha of the Star Pack, and she’d protect him just as he did his mate.

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