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Santana stood by the window, waiting until everyone got home. She knew Kiara most likely wasn’t coming back yet. And Glen went to the bar every night. And…Morgan would be home earlier. He wanted to go for a walk. Hmm. Overall, she still didn’t want to kill him. He committed many crimes, but her heart was too kind. She shook, thinking of killing someone. It didn’t go well with her. Chloe, however, was excited. She wanted to torture him, kill him slowly. Santana shook her head, thinking she must have been through a lot. Turning to her mother, she nodded towards her room.

Following silently, Chloe stared wide eyed at seeing her daughter’s room. Even if it hadn’t been occupied by her for long, her scent was there and then others. Damon’s scent was every where; the door, the…bed. She growled lowly. Even if she wanted him for her son in law, she didn’t like that his smell was all over her blankets. No wonder Nova went berserk.

“Why did you growl? Is everything okay?” Santana seemed nervous. Did she notice something she didn’t?

“Sweetheart, you shouldn’t have let Nova in your room. The smell…” she trailed off pointing to the bed and window. Seeing her daughter blush, she smiled. *I knew you liked him. That make’s me glad.*

Santana’s head turned swiftly to her mother. *What do you mean?*

*Haha cute. His smell is every where, and you defended him. It’s obvious who you like.*

*He’s very sweet and goofy at times; even though I’ve only known him for a few days.* Santana thought more about it. Yeah, I feel close to both of them; Damon and Nova. I can’t stand Nova, but there’s something that he makes me feel. It’s there…And Damon makes me smile, go crazy, and he’s a nice guy. I could fall for either one of them; Nova just needs to change his attitude a lot. They’re both attractive.

Now you admit it, once your mother tells you she’s rooting for you and Damon? Well Embry can kiss my sweet ass! Because all he does is stare at it!

“How can you shut your wolf up?” she asked seriously.

“I see you and I have the same problem. Willow just can’t seem to shut up most of the time. Everything I do, she judges!”

“I know what you mean mom! Sage won’t leave me alone, and threatens to keep talking. And she can do it!” They stared at each other before laughing hysterically.

Santana didn’t notice the tears falling down her mother’s face at first but when she did it startled her. “Why are you crying? Is something wrong?” she asked concerned.

“You…Y-You just called me mom. It sounded so natural. I haven’t heard you call me mama since you were two. I just missed it a lot.” The tears couldn’t stop falling.

“We’ll get through this. We’re together now, always will be.” She said determined. But she didn’t notice her mother’s eyes widen when she turned around to find a tissue. Chloe had a plan, and it was something she should have thought hours ago. It was the greatest chance of her daughter staying with her. “Luna, what are you up to?”

Startled she turned to see her mate, hand placed on the wall. He looked damn fine. Looking over at her daughter, holding out a tissue, she replied “Nothing much.”

“You’re up to something. I felt your sadness. Are you okay?” When she nodded he returned to another subject. “I feel something…” he raised an eyebrow at her. “Bad.” He spoke after he saw her neck move from swallowing. It was one of the ways he could tell she was nervous, aside from her heart beating rapidly.

*What are you planning, woman?*

She smiled. *Nothing Alpha. Just thinking about tonight.*

*When we kill that bastard?* his eyes turned a different shade, thinking about what was to come.

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