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Nova’s eyes bore into hers, glaring. The fire in his eyes wasn’t passion, it was pure rage. He pounced on top of her, baring his teeth, he went down to her neck to bite her. She screamed in fear but Damon interfered, throwing him out the window. Glass shattered every where. Santana felt a harsh pain in her chest that seemed to pull at her. She ran towards the window and looked out. He lay on the snow covered ground, his skin dripping blood from the cuts. “No…” she whimpered. Something told her to protect and defend him. Turning to Damon, she pointed a finger at him. “You stay, thanks for saving me. But I need to help him, he’s really hurting.” Running out the window she jumped over the ledge. Landing beside him, she helped him up. The cuts were healing faster than she expected, but it still hurt her to see him like that. Even though he was going to bite her, she felt bad. She guessed it was the bond they shared.

Damon stood watching them from the broken window. “He’s going to be okay, Santana. I’m sorry. But you have no idea what he was going to do to you!”

“It’s okay, he’s healing fast. What do you mean?” she stared at Nova. His expression was impassive and he whimpered to himself. “You tried to bite me Nova.”

Damon informed her. “He was trying to claim you.”

Her eyes narrowed at him. “So what you are saying is…That he was trying to?”

“If he bit you, you’d feel a stronger connection with him. That mark will show that you are his. After that stage, you mate.”

She turned to the culprit. “Are you serious? You were going to put your mark on me!”

“I couldn’t take it. You defended him. My wolf was extremely pissed off. You’re ours!” He started to stand. “No more talking. You drive with us!” Walking away, he wiped off the blood on his face. His wolf growled deep within him.

We must do anything to keep her from that bastard of a Beta. I can’t stand anyone else touching Sage.

*You’re making me into the bad guy though, Sebastian. She’s starting to hate me!*

Not if you force her.

*No! I want her love, not hate for life. And that’s the worst crime ever!*

Santana stared up at Damon and smiled. She felt happy that he saved her. Nobody does that and gets away with it! The bond between her and Damon just became stronger. He could be trusted. She stood and stretched her legs.

I have to say, I’m really ashamed to be your wolf. It’s embarrassing! Why can’t you just listen to your feelings for once and not your puny little brain?

Ignoring her once again, she went around the house. Marley stood waiting for her like a good puppy. She hadn’t seen the dogs around lately. They lived in the barn. “Hello Moo-moo,” she patted the black lab. Morgan stood around the corner. His face was bruised severely and nose bleeding. Her parents must have done a bit of damage while she was away. She started to say something but Troy jumped in. “I hope those last a long time. Stay away from my family,” he warned menacingly. “And I saw Chloe first; she was MY mate from the start. You wouldn’t listen or notice our love for each other; just had to destroy our lives in rage!”

Morgan spit bits of blood out before retorting “I loved her before I even knew she was yours! You can’t blame me for that!” Troy punched him again in the stomach.

“You knew! I even told you about her. Since the day she was born, she was my mate! And that one time, she told me what you tried to do; about you trying to force her down in the barn behind Nesta’s home! It enraged me to the point of madness. You have no idea how long I wanted to kill you for that!”

“Then why didn’t you?” Morgan mumbled, tears running down his bloodied cheeks.

Troy shook his head “because you were like my brother! I couldn’t even bare the pain of hurting you. But now…I couldn’t care less!” His fist hit Morgan repeatedly in the stomach.

Santana was shocked. Morgan tried to force himself onto her mother?! Why didn’t her father kill him a long time ago for that? Then all this mess would’ve been avoided! She looked over at Morgan and asked “Why did you kidnap me?”

“I-I wanted revenge on your dad. I couldn’t stand that he got her…p-pregnant. It destroyed me, knowing that they were so intimate. So I stole you, and forced Sandra to come along.”

“That is just so ridiculous! In the end, you just ended up hurting me more instead. Of course my parents were extremely sad, but I had to go through the pain of living with you monstrous people!”

“I’m sorry,” he mumbled.

“Let’s go dad. I want to leave this place for good.” When walking away another thought came to her. “Morgan.” His face looked up slowly, wincing from the pain. “Yea kid?”

“When Sandra finds out give her this message, “Go fuck yourself. And tell Janet to go do the same. I wish nothing but sadness and pain in your lives.” Turning on her heel, she walked over to the Truck and hopped in. Her suitcases already in the back, she was ready to leave. Bark!

She looked over and saw Marley whimpering to her. “Oh, and I’ll take the dogs too.”

“Alright,” he barely got out, burning with anger. He’d get revenge again, and wouldn’t fail. The next time, would be the end of them all! Yes, he would get revenge. Snickering to himself he invented a plan.

“Finally, we have you,” Chloe screeched happily hugging her daughter.

“I have a bad feeling about this,” Santana felt a chill.

“It’s probably because you’re excited. Don’t worry love,” Troy reassured her.

Meanwhile, a man they let live was thinking of a way to get rid of them all. A man, who was confident he wouldn’t fail. The future would be a conflicted one, definitely. Santana would have a lot to worry about in the next few years. As long as she had her family, she’d survive. But what if everything was destroyed again and she was all by herself? Could she handle it?


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