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Santana listened to one of her favourite songs. It calmed her nerves as she lay on her bed. She hadn’t slept, still thinking that more killers would come. Closing her eyes, she hummed to the words of the song.

What is that song? You’ve been listening to it repeatedly.

*Why? You like it too? It’s ‘Twice, by Little Dragon.’*

It reminds me of snow falling peacefully. I like it.

*We think alike.*

You haven’t slept; get some sleep.

*No. I want you to teach me how to ‘shift.’*

You need to sleep. You’ll be exhausted.

*I don’t care. I want to be able to protect myself one day. Teach me.*

Then let’s go.

As she walked into the kitchen, she again startled the hell out someone. It was her father this time. He had black bags under his eyes and he looked stressed. Something must be bothering him.

“Are you okay? You seem to be under a lot of stress. Is it work?”

Morgan could barely speak. She was supposed to be dead! He paid a big price for her head. Why the hell was she still here and not laying in a ditch? Did she..? The fear tortured his insides. Did she know what she was and kill them all? He paid four men to track her down just in case she ran off. Staring at her in shock he asked “No, I’m fine. Are you okay?”

Remember not to trust people. Did you see the look on his face when he saw you? I’m pretty sure he’s a suspect in all this. Try to scare him a little. I’ll tell you what to say…

Word for word she said what Sage told her to say. “Not really dad. I had the most bizarre dream last night.”

“Oh?” he held on to the counter for support. “About?”

“Well I was being chased by paid killers. I ended up tearing them to shreds! And one told me it was you who paid him,” she lied. Looking at the floor, she pointed her toe in front of her acting innocent.

“I couldn’t believe it. The mind plays tricks on you, doesn’t it?”

He nodded. “That must have been horrible. I would never harm you Santana. You know that.”

“Yeah, it was. But I feel better, now that I’ve seen you.”

She smiled at him and walked out into the cold outside. Her heart clenched.

*You really think it was him? My own father hired men to kill me!*

His heart rate rapidly increased when you told him about the dream. Did you see his shirt? It had sweat practically soaking it. I’m 80% sure he did it.

*Why would my own father try to have me killed?*

Maybe because he isn’t your real father?

*Oh come on!*

Haven’t you always wondered why you have blonde hair when all your family members have brown? He’s not a werewolf, that’s for sure. And neither is your ‘mother.’ So that just means that they aren’t your real parents.

*I’ve always felt that. But why would they not tell me?*

I don’t know. But one thing’s for sure: someone out there is related to you by blood. There has to be. And they are werewolves.

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