Chapter 82

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Okay so I tried really hard to write this when I hardly have any time to write at all. My job and school work have been taking most of my time and my computer has been having problems. Going to have to buy a new one pretty quick!

I can't wait till spring break, omg! I might be able to write then, hopefully if I'm not working! I need the $ though so I won't pass up!

If you are confused or whatever, ask!

And those of you who have been waiting-Soooorrryyyy for the long wait!




Santana seethed as she ran into the pack house, refusing to acknowledge anyone around her. All she saw was red, and was absolutely livid. The desire for Casey’s death ate at her like nothing she’d ever felt before. Her wolf couldn’t stop pacing around from deep within her. In one moment she was across the room in a rage full of hatred and anger, and the first vase she saw was her first victim. The glass shattered against the wall, scratching the white paint in the process and the vase was no longer a full shape but small broken pieces, just like her heart which thumped rapidly.

“AHHHH!” Santana roared with tears in her eyes. Her canines exploded out of her mouth and in the mirror beside the staircase, she gasped as her once gold orbs were bright crimson.

“Santana, love, calm down,” Nova walked into the living room with his hands up cautiously. All the others were nowhere to be seen, guessing they didn’t want to be killed. Nova was the only one that could get through to her.

“Just leave me alone!” Santana cried, barely recognizing her hoarse voice. It sounded raspy and animalistic, not like her.

“Don’t tell me to leave, love, because I won’t leave you, not now not ever,” Nova’s eyes darkened for a split second before they softened with pure love for her and her only.

They stared at each other for a minute, Santana’s anger turning to sadness. All she wanted was revenge for him, and he acted so calm and mature about it. Where did the old Nova go? He always was mature but never did she take him for a guy to not get revenge on someone who separated them from each other and caused them so much pain. When he found out in the past about she and Damon, he left her in anger and ordered for his best friend to be exiled; just for sleeping with her, not in a sexual way either.

“Why are you so calm about this? Don’t you want her dead for what she did to you, for what she did to us?! I spent the rest of winter and then half of the summer without you, thinking that you were dead!” Santana cried, tears spilling down her cheeks. Her loud sobs echoed about the room, making Nova’s eyes crinkle in distress for her.

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