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Santana felt numb. She heard what was happening around her, but couldn’t move or speak. All she saw was darkness.

She heard Nova’s loud angry voice, arguing with someone. Who? Something heavy lay on her, it felt suffocating; a blanket? She tried to open her eyes but wasn’t successful.

A sweet soothing sound whispered in her ear. She didn’t know what it was. But then the hum became clear. It was a man’s voice, someone who didn’t ring a bell in her mind. Who was he? Then without warning, everything came back to her like a slap in the face. She met Nova’s half brother, Derek. And shockingly, he had said she was his mate.

Moaning, she tried to ignore his voice. It caused her whole body to tingle, a very weird sensation rippling through her.

“Its okay sweetheart,” his calm voice told her.

“No, Nova!” she yelped, finally speaking.

“Fuck off Derek. She wants me, not you.”

“She’s my mate, of course she wants me by her side,” Derek said still calm.

“Are you fucking deaf and blind? My mark is on her neck, and we’ve mated. She’s mine! Leave now!”

“You stole her from me Nova. If I was your mother’s son, I would have been chosen as her true mate. Since you were legitimate, she became yours. Don’t forget that! She and I have a special connection. When we touched, it was like an electric shock flashed through me. She felt it too!”

“Get out, and go back where you belong. I don’t want to see or even hear from you ever again. And if you ever go near Santana, I swear I will kill you Derek. Understand me?”

It was silent before she heard her mother’s voice. “Derek, stay for dinner. The whole pack is getting together tonight and I personally would like you to join us.”

“That would be nice ma’am. But Nova wants me to leave.”

A low growl escaped her mother’s mouth. “Then he leaves as well!”

Santana groaned inwardly. She felt her body slowly awakening. The light shinning behind her eyelids, she sluggishly opened them to see everyone staring at her.

“You’re awake!” Chloe clapped her hands happily. “I was so worried about you sweetie,” she hugged her lovingly.

When she let go, she saw Derek’s beautiful sea blue eyes gazing at her with…love? Looking down at her lap, she sensed Nova’s anger. Lifting her head, letting her hair become a cover, she watched him. He was intense, and her core felt heated. She just wanted to jump him right then and there he was just so sexy. That feeling of him kissing and sucking at her neck brought so much pleasure she was sure it was better than heaven. No wonder he asked her to do it after she marked him. She thought of her favourite things and would prefer him kissing her over anything. Maybe his love making but…

“Are you okay sweetheart?” Derek’s worried voice asked her. His emotions were so easy to read, his face said it all.

Ignoring him to please Nova, she said “Nova, I’m thirsty. I want orange juice.”

Her mate smiled. He liked that she disregarded his step-brother like he was nothing. “I’ll get you anything you want love. You okay?”

She nodded, smiling at him. “I’m okay.”

“Derek, go get the orange juice. I’m not leaving you alone with her.”

“I’m here too,” Chloe crossed her arms.

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