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That's Nova in the pic! <3


It was an hour after the fight. She was still pissed off, trying to ignore Nova. She wished she never even met this guy.

Did you forget the fact that the hoodie that Damon lent you actually belongs to Nova? You went crazy over the scent, wouldn’t take it off. He belongs with us! My Sebastian…Sage stated dreamily.

Cringing inside, she ignored her wolf. She shifted on the wooden bench. Across from her, Chloe and Troy were whispering lovely comments to each other. It was sweet and loving, something she had always wanted. Her body trembled in anger, thinking of how Morgan and Sandra kidnapped her. After discovering what they did, she didn’t care what happened to them. All that mattered was her new family. And a she had a little brother! It caused her to smile.

She felt eyes on her. Turning, she saw Nova staring, his hands clenched into fists. Narrowing her eyes, she moved further away from him. A low growl rumbled throughout the dinning room. Everyone turned and watched him suddenly. He stood and towered above her, causing Chloe to step in to protect her daughter. The snarl he let out next had Troy pushing his mate out of the way.

“Stop this Nova,” he said in a ‘let’s be friends’ voice. He was one of the people who knew what Nova was capable of. “You’ve already fought with your best friend, now your mate. Just calm down.”

Santana had enough. “Why are you being like this? I just met you, and I’m already starting to dislike you. Actually no, I do dislike you. What you did to Damon was immature!” She hated people who thought they were superior, were possessive, and controlling. Her whole life she was controlled by her kidnappers. Freedom is what she craved.

His eyes widened when she said that. Whimpering, he stepped towards her. Nova didn’t want her to hate him, he wanted her love. When she turned, his heart felt crushed. In defence mode, he turned back to his Alpha dominant self.

“Is that any way to talk to your mate?” he stared at her angrily.

Rolling her eyes, she shook her head. “How many times do I have to say it? I belong to nobody!” It was getting annoying. He even made Damon stay away from her.

He laughed. “You still think that way? But you haven’t even tasted me yet.”

“That’s enough Alpha!” Chloe yelled at him. “You’re forgetting that we are still here. Never talk to my daughter like that again; otherwise you’ll have us to deal with!” She stalked off outside  huffing and puffing, needing to cool off.

Santana stared at Nova. “You should act more like Damon. At least he’s more mature than you are. I like men, not boys.” Something about him enraged her. He made her so crazy and she couldn’t think straight. His smell was entrancing, and it bothered her. Sage on the other hand loved the attention and pretty much collapsed in fear from his growl. Turning on her heel, she followed her mother. Nova started to pursue her, but Troy stopped him for a talk.

How dare you talk to my Alpha like that Santana! You have no idea how sexy and sweet this guy is. Can’t you tell by taking a look at him?

*I can’t believe you prefer that douche bag over Damon! He’s worse! I have such a weird feeling around him, and it drives me up the wall.*

That feeling is sexual tension towards a mate. You like him, and you won’t admit it!

*I’ve never had sex before Sage, how would I know? And I don’t like him, this feeling is complete hate!*

Sage growled. You are being so stupid, I can’t believe it. Over these years, you’ve turned out to be exactly like Morgan and Sandra!

After that, Santana ignored her wolf. Nova was a weird subject with her. He was just too good looking, had a bad temper. And he wouldn’t even let her around Damon! That was just way too jealous and possessive. She couldn’t understand why he was so angry. Without Damon, they wouldn’t have found her. It was fate, she knew it. Nova wasn’t good for her. Something deep down, a bit of doubt surfaced. The feeling was stressful. She was so confused.

You are soo going to have a lot to think about, and don’t think that I’ll shut up! I’m going to be right there, eating away at you. My voice is going to be on 24/7 baby until you realize your damn feelings!

Santana clenched her teeth. Quiet Sage back then was way better than this mouthy Sage. Where did she go? She laughed to herself before retorting:

*Just try it.*

She wished she didn’t say that.


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