Chapter 83

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I'm really happy to write this. It isn't over just yet, so don't worry! Two more chapters to go after this!:O


"Mmm," Santana rolled onto her side, cringing as a bright scorching light blasted right into her face. Her eyes felt like they wanted to roll back into her skull and her head throbbed painfully. She thought about the night before and came up blank. What the hell did she do after reading Casey's letter?!

Suddenly she was pulled close to a rock hard chest. Immediately she tensed thinking that it was Landon behind her. The strong bolts rippled up her body letting her know it was her 'mate.' But the thing was, if she wasn't able to recognize their scents' she probably wouldn't know who was who if one of them touched her while she wore a blindfold. Even Sage had trouble siding with the two handsome men for instance the night before.

Nova's scent surrounded her and her body relaxed to its natural state with him close. His hot breath at her neck she turned around slowly to not wake him but his eyes were open and they showed happiness and love. Her hand slid up his chest to her mark on his neck.

“Good morning, beautiful,” Nova grinned brightly, the sun hitting his face making his eyes twinkle.

“Good morning, handsome,” she winked, lifting up and pecking him on the lips gently.

“Are you hungry?” he asked looking a bit nervous.

Santana frowned but easily shrugged it off as her stomach growled at the thought of food. She nodded but flinched as her head throbbed painfully.

“I’ll be back, love,” he told her while standing up naked. She blushed but didn’t look away as he sauntered over to the dresser and pulled out a pair of loose shorts and a t-shirt. Santana bit her lip, stopping a moan from escaping them. She was then hungry for something else but let it go as her head ached and knew it would only get worse if she did any strenuous activity.

Santana lay in bed while Nova was gone to make breakfast and just thought about her life and how happy she finally was. Many things happened over the many months when Nova was ‘dead.’ To think that if he actually was gone from her world forever…would she have to live the rest of her life without him? The thought pained her into severe depression. Her eyes started to water, but before the tears could start, the door swung open to reveal her wonderful mate with a tray full of food and two large glasses of orange juice.

“What’s wrong, love?” his face fell from happy to concerned as he took in her sad expression.

“N-Nothing, I’m just thinking about how happy we are now after everything we’ve been through,” she sighed as he walked towards her, setting the tray down on the bed and crawling in next to her.

“Come here,” he pulled her against him, wrapping his arms around her comfortingly. His warmth immediately soothed her. He was real, it wasn’t just some dream her mind conjured up to make her feel better.

After a few minutes, Nova sat away from her for a second, bringing the tray, and sitting it on top of her lap. There were two plates filled with hash browns, scrambled eggs, sausages, and two slices of toast each.

“Wow, you really went all out,” Santana smiled happily, completely forgetting the turmoil she’d felt a few minutes earlier.

“I’ll always go all out for you, love,” he scooted behind her so that she was sitting on his lap with the tray on top of hers.

After eating Santana set the tray down on the dresser and stretched out her body and then winced again as her headache reminded her that it was still there.

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