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Hehehe. I liked writing this chapter.

Enjoy readers!

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Santana woke up to the smell of roses. She opened her eyes to see Nova holding a bouquet, sitting beside her. She smiled “Are those for me?”

“Happy 19th Birthday, love,” he handed them to her.

“Ugh, I feel so old!” she yawned.

“So what does that make me?” he laughed “An old man?”

She snorted. “We have to go train. If I’m getting older, that just means that the day of…battle comes soon.”

He nodded. “Most of everyone is already out there, they think so too. I’m surprised on how fast you’ve learned in the past month and a half. You’d be able to take on not just one rogue, but many. I’m proud of you love.”

Blushing, she stood up stretching. “Thanks for the roses Hun. They’re beautiful. That’s very sweet of you.”

After Santana showered, she changed into a baby blue tracksuit. Pulling up her hair in a ponytail, she realized it grew a bit. She breathed in softly, trying to calm her nerves. What could she do to make the end change? Train harder? Learn something efficient and new moves? All she wanted was for her whole pack to survive, no deaths. It was becoming harder to look at her pack members, knowing that some might not make it by next Christmas? She knew that everything was on her shoulders, and they would depend on their leader throughout the fight. The only thing she knew she had to do was stay strong, never give up, and fight until her last breath. It was her duty, as an alpha female, to protect her pack. Even though she was now the Luna of Nova’s pack, she’d still protect her family home as well.

“Are you okay?” Nova asked from the bedroom door looking concerned.

“I’m fine; just a little nervous on how to be a good leader in the future battle.”

“Santana, you’ll be a very strong and competent leader. The whole pack admires you for what you’ve done for them already. I’m sure they’d throw their lives away if it meant protecting you from danger. So don’t give up on yourself, love.”

She nodded knowing that he was telling the truth. The whole pack was loyal to both her family and she.

“Tonight, we’re all going clubbing for my birthday which should help relieve all the stress and drama. But I’m sure Hadyn has something planned. And pretty sure I’ll wake up on some street by myself not knowing how I got there,” she laughed.

“I’d say that it won’t happen and that tonight I’ll not drink so much, but it happens every freaking time,” he shook his head grinning.

“I know, I say the same thing every time we go out,” she nodded while walking towards the bedroom door. “Training will be six hours as usual, and Hadyn wants some girl time to get ready. So we better hurry.”

After training, Santana felt unbelievably excited for her birthday night. She’d never been in a club, so it would be a new experience. She hopped in the shower, washing off all the sweat and dirt.

Thinking about the past, she realized that this was the first time that she’d ever been excited about her birthday. Throughout her whole life she never had friends, a boyfriend, or even a real family.

Not really understanding why nobody liked her…At school, girls in her grade nine science class through staples in her hair while laughing. Shaking uncontrollably, she’d turn around and tell them to stop. But becoming mad was awful, as she’d start stuttering and gasping. But lately her difficulty with speaking properly when angry stopped completely. Maybe it was because she needed to let her wolf out desperately? And now she could?

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