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I hope you guy's like it! It may be long, I'm not sure. Seemed long when I edited it, took quite a while to write it as each time I had something to do or I was too damn tired to continue. But yeah!

Thanks for reading and supporting me. You have no idea how much it means to me when someone votes! It means that I should continue to the end. That is why I update quickly, because WIB lovers inspire me to continue and I want to please:)

I know the ending is great, so please continue. Sad to see that some of WIB fans have quit reading for most likely a couple of reasons, but I know one. Poor Nova, killed.

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Nah, no way.

Okay, lol. Now don't forget to vote!

Comment, fan<3


You know I love you all for reading, thanks for the support, again!


“Santana, wake up, please wake up,” Derek’s voice could be heard softly. He sounded miserable and upset.

A deep stabbing pain throbbed throughout her chest. Opening her eyes, she saw the silhouette of someone hovering above her. Something dripped onto her forehead, so she lifted her heavy arms to touch it. Not knowing what it was she took in her surroundings. It was late at night, but there was a small fire lit to light up the area they were in. Derek’s scent wafted into her nostrils and so did Damon’s. They sat close to her, whimpering. What was the matter with them, were they hurt?

“Damon?” she asked while turning to her right.

“Yes, I’m here,” he answered with a cough.

“What happened?”

“That monster…he used some sort of trick to escape, blowing us away in the process. It was fatal for some, five pack members died in the explosion. Surprisingly we survived, even though we were the closest to him,” he told her, his voice sounding hoarse.

“Oh no, I shouldn’t have followed. Then they wouldn’t have been killed. It’s my fault!” she cried out but then winced when the sharp pain in her chest stabbed at her like a thousand needles. Her whole body felt on fire, most likely from the burns she received in the outburst. She also felt like she had been hit by a car.

“Don’t think like that, ever. You’re an amazing leader Santana; ‘Revenge’ just lured us in. You wanted to destroy something that was harmful to the pack and mankind, it was normal,” Derek hushed.

“Are you guy’s okay?”

They nodded so she huffed before trying to sit up, but couldn’t. The pain in her chest was unbearable. Looking down, like she did in the dream, she saw a stick protruding out of her chest in the exact same spot. Her jaw dropped, obviously shocked over it. She felt strong hands hold her arms to calm her down, but nothing worked. She started hyperventilating, worried that things were coming true. Casey had something to do with everything, she was sure of it. And ‘Revenge’ killed Nova and wanted her dead as well. If so, why didn’t he or she kill her back then? The explosive was surely produced by a witch, as only a spell-caster could make that type of potion; one who practiced dark magic.

“I don’t think it punctured any arteries or important organs. We should try and pull it out. Right after, shift into your wolf to heal faster,” Derek stated.

“How can you tell?” she asked him.

“I just know. Now, prepare yourself,” he rubbed her cheek gently trying to calm her.

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