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So I'm back! Just for today and then won't be updating for some time. I have to work all weekend too and I even have homework that I STILL haven't finished. Not good, but I really hate math with a passion. Who doesn't?

The pic is Anastasia! Well its the actress Liv Tyler when she was younger but I'm not going to make her be Ana. She just looks like this in the pic, but with red-brown auburn curly hair. Not so curly like crazy curls, just wavy but more curlier than wavy...ughhhh blah blah blah ya get it.


Vote, comment, fan<3



Anastasia’s POV (If any of you forgot, she’s Xavier’s mate by the way).

*Run faster Ana, FASTER!* Jeremy’s voice screamed frantically through their mind link.

They were in deep shit at the moment, and it was all her fault. If she didn’t run off in embarrassment, they wouldn’t be in their current predicament, well more like nightmare. She prayed over and over again to God that they’d make it, while running for her life. Her older brother unfortunately followed, once she made the dramatic exit…

It was when Ana was in the kitchen; her best friend’s mate Kaden, started flirting with her for some unknown reason. Of course she pushed him away, but he pinned her down against the counter and kissed her.

Well Sam just had to walk in at that moment and screamed in rage causing many pack members to rush in and watch. They fought until Sam was down on the floor, crying her eyes out. Anastasia’s hair was a mess from all the pulling, and scratches were all over her body. Even her shirt was torn down the side from where Sam grabbed it.

Anastasia felt horrified because her friend was hurt. It wasn’t her fault! Did her friend not know her at all? Sam even knew of Xavier! Anastasia would never do anything like that, kissing was meant to be done with the person you loved.

It wasn’t her first kiss or anything; lots of boys tried and did succeed in stealing kisses from her. But that kiss from Kaden was horrible. Sam was his mate! Who would do that to someone other than their mate and their mate’s best friend at that?! The situation was so embarrassing, she ran out the door and into the forest where she shifted into her black wolf. Jeremy followed along and then after an hour of running…

About twenty rogue wolves were chasing them, maybe less? It was such a shock to her, over the size of the rogue pack. She’d never seen that many rogues in her entire fifteen years. The wolves were close on their trail. Her wolf named Heaven, whimpered for what could have been and could happen in the future. It was the worst feeling, knowing that an implacable death was her fate. She knew that her mate would feel it, and wished to see him again. All she wanted was to go back in time to when she first smelled him at the mall…


*Be back at the skating rink in an hour or two, understand Ana?* her father’s deep commanding voice sounded in her head.

She nodded to herself even though he wasn’t in front of her at the time.

*Y-Yes, father. I-I mean Alpha,* she replied quietly.

*Good girl,* she could hear the humour in his tone. He always thought her so submissive and unlike a natural alpha’s offspring. But that was what he said was a good trait in a young female; that whatever her future mate ordered was for her to obey. Her mother Amanda, the exact opposite, was a feisty woman. She had long black hair and green eyes, which Jer inherited from her. When Ana and he stood next to each other, they looked unrelated.

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