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“Stop it, right now!” she yelled. The crowd surrounding them backed away quickly as she made her way towards the fight.

Damon looked like shit, while Nova only had tiny cuts and bruises on his face. Her mate looked up at her like a dog in trouble once it tore up its owners shoes. “Are you kidding me Nova? Why fight him?! You know he’s not worth it!” she yelled.

“It actually wasn’t me who started it, I swear!” he stared at her with wide eyes.

She turned to Damon who looked furious. “How dare you come here and pick a fight with him! He already has enough stress as it is!” she yelled defending her mate.

The look on Damon’s face showed hurt for a split second before he stood up and spit on the ground. “When we first met, you’d never take his side. I thought you loved me,” he looked like he was barely controlling himself.

“I thought I loved you Damon, but I realized something today. You were the first guy to notice me. I never had a boyfriend before I met you. When you left me at the bus station, I felt sad; sad because you were leaving. And when we met again, I was excited. And after talking with Hadyn, I know now that it was only because you were interested and it thrilled me. You were my first love, but Nova’s my forever.”

He stared at her, tears starting to stream down his face. She gulped, a sore feeling in her throat knowing that she hurt him. “I’m so sorry Damon. You’ll always be my special friend. You’re going to find someone new; I really hope you do, because I love you.”

She inwardly groaned at that, because she realized she just quoted one of her favourite songs by Eskobar called ‘Someone New.’ Hoping that nobody else knew that song off by heart she stared at Damon sadly.

“I hope I do,” he whispered. “Because then I can shove it in your face and make you wish that you should’ve went for me,” he then kicked the ground with the tip of his shoe and turned on his heel walking into the forest.

“I’m sorry!” she yelled out to his back.

“Just leave him alone love. He needs to move on.”

Santana needed to cool off. She felt so bad, and wanted to let off some steam so she started stretching for training. Everyone stared at her for a minute then continued to what they were doing before the fight.

“Santana!” Chloe nodded her head in her direction. “Come here please.”

She groaned as she pulled up from the ground “Coming!”

Walking up on the stage her mom whispered “You shouldn’t have humiliated him like that sweetie. Imagine how he feels right now,” she mumbled quietly.

“I know. It’s just I needed to tell him to stop. He almost…” she trailed off not wanting Nova to hear; continuing their conversation through mind linking.

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