Joel - new guy - pt 3

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Your POV:
It's been months since the break up and I've moved on. It's for the best. I met this guy named Charlie. He's so sweet and really loving. We met through friends and caught feelings and now we're together. We took a photo together so I decided to post it (on Instagram) with the caption:

'You ❤️'

I know Joel still follows me on Instagram (I never unfollowed him) but sometimes you just have to move on and forget about the past.

Joel's POV:
I walked into work not myself. "What's up mate?" Jethro asked. "It's nothing." I mumbled. Jethro gave me a look. "It's not nothing. What is it?" He asked. "Just y/n." I told him. "Just y/n? Or is there something else to add to that?" He asked. "Why so many questions Jeff?" I asked. "I dunno *shrugs his shoulders*." Jeff said. "Ok we dated for about 6 months and we broke up yesterday, that's all." I sighed trying not to show my emotions.

The tower door opened. It was y/n. "Morning Jeff. Morning Joel." She said. "Morning." I mumbled back quietly. She left the tower. "So you two aren't on bad terms then?" Jeff asked. "Well to be honest I'm not sure." I sighed. "What actually happened between you?" He asked. "Again with the questions Jeff!" I exclaimed. "Sorry." He mumbled. "Look, I cheated on her. The worst mistake I've ever made. She hates me and I feel so guilty. I was drunk at that party we went too. I wish I never went." I complained. Jeff patted my shoulder. "It's ok bro. It'll all work out." He told me. I sighed and got back to work.

Your POV:
I walked up to the tower stopping at the door when I heard my name. "You still love y/n don't you?" Jethro said. "Of course I do! The worst part is, is that she's got a new guy to make her happy. I wanted to be that guy but I messed up big time!" Joel exclaimed. I walked into the tower. "Hey guys what you talking about?" I asked taking a seat. "Nothing." Joel said. "So you two dated?" Jethro asked. "Yeah." I replied. "How come I didn't know?" He asked. "Because we wanted to keep it a secret." Joel exclaimed. I nodded my head in agreement. It went silent. "So this new guy then hey, what's he like?" Jethro asked. Joel looked a little uncomfortable. "Just like any guy. Sweet. Caring." I said not sure what else to say.

The silence came back. "Will you two get back together one day?" Jeff asked. I shrugged my shoulders. "Jeff enough with the questions!" Joel said making me smile. "Sorry I'm just curious." He said lifting his hands up in defence. That made me laugh. "I'll see you lot tomorrow." I smiled grabbing my things leaving for the day.

A/n: thank you for 20k!!!

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