Luke - brother

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A/n: ⬆️ that will be with every Luke imagine (if I remember) ⬆️

Your POV:
My twin brother got me a job as a lifeguard down at bondi. It's been the best experience I've ever had. I love it here. My twin is Lachie. We're identical. I love him to pieces. My boyfriend is Luke. Luke Faddy. We've been dating for about 4 months now. It feels like we've been dating for longer. The two of us got on really well from day one and then became good friends then began dating. He's an amazing guy. I love him to bits.

Luke and I didn't have the early shift this morning so we spent the morning in one another's arms for a couple of hours. Time went by and before we knew it the two of us were heading out of my small flat and down to the beach.

Luke pecked my lips before work started. We always do this as we want to keep our relationship a secret. We alternate it for who walks in first and what not. Today was my turn so I walked into the tower. "Finally you're here." Troy said getting up and leaving the tower. It was my day to do tower duty. Luke walked in getting an odd stare from Troy as he looked back at us both. I placed my things down and set up my area for the day. Nothing too special. "I guess I'll see you later." I said looking up at Luke. He smiled back. We shared a kiss before he left the tower.

Deano's POV:
I walked into the tower at the wrong moment. Jackson and Jesse were right behind. "Nope don't go in." I told them. "Why?" They asked. "Luke and y/n are having a couple moment." I said. They soon clicked on. "Wait they're dating?!" Jesse asked. "By the looks of things." I smiled. We heard them say bye to one another before Luke made his way out. The three of us quickly walked back out before they saw me. Just as Luke was walking out I pretend to walk back in like nothing had happened. "Morning." Luke said as he passed us. I nodded my head walking into the tower where y/n was.

Lachie's POV:
It was later on in the day and I was now up in the tower taking over y/n's job while she was down on the beach. Footsteps walked into the tower. "Hey Lachie?!" Jesse said taking a seat next to me. "Hey." I smiled as I looked through my binoculars. Deano walked in shortly after with Jackson and Troy.

We all got into a deep conversation before the subject changed. "Have you heard?" Deano said to me. I was confused. "Heard what?" I asked. "About y/n and Luke? That they're dating." He told me. I did not know that. I looked at him in shock. "You didn't know did you?" He asked. I shook my head. "Nope." I said after. I'm definitely going to be speaking to them both.

Your POV:
It was the end of our shift (mine and Luke's). We both finished at 5pm so did Lachie. The two of us grabbed our things before heading out of the tower for the night. Luke spends some nights at mine and I spend some at his but tonight was one we're neither of us were being together. Lachie was coming over. That wasn't the reason why. It's just we do need sometime to ourselves.

I kissed Luke goodbye. "Text me." He winked as he walked away. My stomach filled with butterflies. I love him. "Hey you two!" I heard someone shout. I turned seeing Luke turn after me noticing it was Lachie who shouted. I smiled at him. "How may we help?" I asked. "Come with me." Lachie said. Luke and I exchanged looks.

A/n: this part sounds dodgy asf but it's honestly not... I promise. Oh and it doesn't make sense but just go with it... lol

We followed Lachie as he walked towards his car. "Get in." He said politely. "I'll take you both home if you want." He said. Luke and I smiled at one another. "Sure but why did you want us?" Luke asked. "Well I need to speak to you both... privately." He told us. He drove us to my place. I unlocked my door as they two lads walked in. "When where you two going to tell me?" He asked. "Tell you what?" Luke asked all confused. "About you two dating?" He finally said. "Ohhh that." I smiled. "Well Lachie, Luke and I are dating." I said sarcastically. "I gathered. Were you ever going to tell me?" Lachie asked. "Of course we were we just wanted to keep it a secret from everyone." Luke said as he held my hand from under the table.

Lachie adjusted himself in his seat. "How did the others find out before me?" He asked. "Wait... they know?!" Luke asked. "I promise you that we didn't tell anyone." I said looking at Lachie straight in the eyes. "They do now." He said. I sighed. "They must've seen us this morning when I had to stay in the tower and you went down to the beach." I explained looking at Luke. He nodded his head. "They must've." He sighed.

I'm never the one to keep things from my brother but I was scared to tell him about Luke and I. "But if you're going to be all lovey dovey I don't want to see it in front of me please." He told us. Luke and I smiled. "Sure." I said. "Right I'll take you home now if you want." Lachie said to Luke. He nodded his head. Luke grabbed his bag then kissed my lips softly. "I'll be waiting outside." Lachie said. Luke and I shared our moment before they both set off for the night.

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