Jackson - bucket list

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Your POV:
Home sweet home. After a long shift at work I arrived home. I share a house with my best friend Jackson. We've done this for a few years now, about 3 so far and hopefully for a few more because I love having him around.

As I walked in Jackson was sat on the sofa on his phone. He looked up and over to me with a smile. "How was your day?" He asked as I placed my coat on the rack. "Same as yesterday. Bit boring but so much better now." I smiled walking towards him. "Because you get to see me?" He smirked. "No Jackson because I'm finally home!" I exclaimed as we laughed. "What about you how was your day?" I asked grabbing myself a drink.

I walked back into the living room. "Busy. I'm actually surprised to be sat here as I was expecting to be still working right now." He explained. "Well you're here now so don't worry." I smiled. The clouds began to cover the blue sky. It was currently storm season so there were a lot of storms coming and going.

The rain began to pour. "It's horrible now." I groaned sitting down on the sofa. "It is... I have a question." Jackson said with a smile as he looked over at me. "Go on." I smiled back wondering what he wants. "What's one thing on your bucket list?" He asked. "To be kissed in the rain. That would be so cute if I'm honest." I said with a smile making him smile too.

Jackson jumped up taking my hand and pulling me with him. We ended outside in the rain. "Jackson what are you doing?!" I screamed as the rain hit us both. "I want to be the one checking it off your bucket list." He smirked placing his lips on mine. I kissed him back. I never knew he felt this way.

Jackson's POV:
Finally I get so spend sometime with y/n. Normally we both have long days from doing our jobs and don't really see much of one another. But I'm glad we've got this evening with one another.

My feelings towards y/n over the past few years have been just as friends but then a couple of months ago I started to feel different towards her. She would give me butterflies when she would talk. I would always smile when hearing her name. It's just the little things that get me.

Your POV:
We pulled away. "Wow." I said making him smile. We stared into one another's eyes. "Let's get back inside. We're soaked." I said as we laughed. The two of us walked back in and headed to our rooms. I think I've just fallen in love with my best friend.

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