Whippet - Abbie

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Requested by @BLSEMT

Ryan's POV:
We all were up in the tower looking out across the beach. By all I mean about 6 of us. There's a young girl whose been walking around the beach by herself for ages. "I'm going to go down to the little girl who I've been keeping an eye on." I told the guys grabbing my radio.

*whippet to bondi central*

*come in whippet*

*this young girl by the looks of things has been abandoned. She's shy and doesn't talk much. I'm bringing her up to the tower*

*ok mate*

I walked up to the tower with the young girl by my side. Before we went up into the tower I crouched down to the girls level. "What's your name?" I asked the young girl. She looked at me for a few seconds. "Abbie." She said with a smile. "And how old are you Abbie?" I asked with a smile. "I'm 10!" She exclaimed making me laugh. "That's a big age." I told her as she stood there with a big smile on her face. She walked in front of me as we walked into the tower.

The guys stared at us. "This is Abbie." I told them but she was hiding behind me. Everywhere I went Abbie followed. She sat with me while I did my job. It's sad how she has no one. "Whippet let's go." Maxi said to me. Abbie walked after me. I turned crouching to her level. "Abbie you're going to have to stay here. I'll be back soon ok. My friend Mouse here will look after you until I come back." I smiled and she nodded her head walking over to mouse. I got up and headed towards Maxi who was waiting for me to get into the rhino.

- - - -

It's been about an hour and I finally was heading back to go see Mouse and Abbie. "Mate she's fallen asleep." Mouse said as I walked through the door. He pointed over at the medical bed were she was laying with a blanket over her to keep her warm. "Thank you for taking care of her." I said patting his shoulder. "What's going to happen?" Mouse asked. "If I'm honest I don't really know. We can't just leave her so I'm going to phone around and find some places but if not then she's going to be stuck with me which I don't mind at all." I explained. "I hope you get her somewhere safe." Mouse said before leaving. I pulled a chair from the side and sat on it. I stayed by Abbie until she woke up.

My shift was nearly finishing. While Abbie was sleeping I phoned a few people. Unfortunately none of them had any space for Abbie. It broke my heart to see a young vulnerable girl with no place to stay. This was when a thought came into my mind. I phoned around again and managed to get permission to look after Abbie for a while until we found her somewhere to stay. I phoned my wife and told her about Abbie and how I couldn't just leave her. She was more than happy to have her stay with us for a while.

It came to the end of my shift and Abbie was still asleep. She soon woke up and followed me around the tower. "Abbie?" I said. She looked up at me knowing what was coming. I could tell that she thought I was leaving her. "You're going to be staying with me for a while until we find you a permanent home." I explained. Her face lit up. She wrapped her arms around me hugging me tightly. "Thank you." I heard her whisper. I said by to the others and headed home with Abbie. I gave her a piggyback ride home.

After having Abbie stay with us for the past few months my wife and I have agreed that we're going to adopt Abbie. So we did. She is now apart of our family. Welcome to the family Abbie Clark.

A/n: hope you like this and thank you for requesting!

Bondi Rescue Imagines - BOOK 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें