Dylan - home early

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Your POV:
It was Christmas Eve and Dylan and I had the evening planned. Unfortunately he had to work late this evening. It was a busy summers day. I know that today is going to be a busy day for Dylan. His kisses were pressed against my shoulder. My eyes opened and I turned seeing Dylan wide awake. "Merry Christmas Eve." I mumbled. "Merry Christmas Eve to you too." He smiled. His morning voice. Oh that voice (ahaha). "Do you have to work today?" I asked. "Unfortunately yes." He said. "Wish you didn't have to but it is what it is." I said looking into his eyes. We stayed in one another's arms for a while until we had to get up out of bed. Dylan and I ate some breakfast before he left to get ready for work.

I was in the kitchen washing up some dishes from the night before which never got done. "Y/n can we speak?" Dylan asked as he walked back into the room. "Sure." I smiled taking my hands out of the water then wiping my hands. I followed him to the sofa. "I know this isn't how we planned our Christmas Eve together but I want you to know that no matter what I'm always going to be here even if it's not physically. We've got one another all day tomorrow which I can't wait for. I love you y/n I really do." He told me as we held hands. "I totally get that. You're there to save lives and I'm so proud of you Dylan. I love you." I told him. Dylan smiled. We shared a hug. "Thank you." He mumbled. "Ooo I better be off. Got a busy day." He said getting up off of the sofa. We shared a quick kiss before he left. "I'll see you later." I smiled as Dylan walked towards the door. "Bye love." He said kissing my cheek before leaving. This isn't how I planned for Christmas to go but at least he's saving peoples lives.

- - - -

The front door opened. I was confused. Dylan walked in. "You're home early." I smiled greeting Dylan with a hug and kiss. "I finished my shift early so yeah basically." He laughed. I smiled. He's home 2 hours early. It was now 5pm. He would normally finish at 7pm but it's lovely having him home early. Dylan wrapped his arms around my waist. "I've missed you." He said as we walked bare in mind that I was walking backwards due to my chest against his (if that makes sense). We fell onto the sofa Dylan landing on top of me. We stayed like this for a few minutes until I was struggling to breath a little. "Ooo I did some baking today." I said making him lift his head. "Show me!" He pleaded. Dylan finally got off of me and we headed into the kitchen to show him my Christmas cookies. The two of us made some diner which we ate.

Hours later Dylan was sat on the sofa when I walked back into the room. "Hey." I said softly as I sat down next to him. He placed his phone down to the side of him. He opened his arms and I rested my head on his chest. We sat there in silence. I was staring at the tree that was up. Dylan placed one of his hands in my hair gently playing with it. He loves to play with my hair. "We haven't spent time like this with one another for a while." I said looking up at him. "I know but we've both been busy with things." Dylan sighed. "Tomorrow's christmas, you excited?" I asked. Dylan smiled. "Yes because I get to spend the day with you for the majority of it." He said. We're also spending the afternoon with family as we live by ourselves. "This is our first christmas by ourselves." I told him. "It is indeed." He smiled. I yawned. "Lets go to bed sleepy head." He said kissing my head. "Ok." I mumbled. We walked towards our room. We both got ready for bed then inot bed. "Goodnight my love." He mumbled. "Goodnight." I replied as we snuggled up together. Tomorrow's christmas.

A/n: part 2? I'm gonna do a part two anyways because its cute and its Dylan.

Bondi Rescue Imagines - BOOK 2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ