Jake Nolan - bad ending

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Your POV:
Jake and I were in the middle of a smallish argument. "Y/n I really don't want you out today. You know what happened last time when you were on the beach by yourself. That guy who kept harassing you." Jake reminded me. I sighed. "I get where you're coming from but I can look after myself you know." I reminded him. "I still don't think you should." He said. The two of us got out of the car and Jake was heading to work and I was playing to go look around the shops before going surfing for a little while.

I rolled my eyes sighing. "Jake stop thinking like that. I can do what I want. You're not my dad. You don't own me. I have a life and I can do what I want." I exclaimed. "I get it y/n but I'm looking at your safety here. If you don't like it then why do I bother with you." He said. "Whatever Jake. I can't be dealing with you rubbish right now." I said to him leaving his side and walking off.

Jake's POV:
I just want y/n to be safe. That's all I want but she doesn't see it like that. A few hours have passed and I was now up in the tower looking through the binoculars just making sure things were good. "There's a girl." I said taking another quick look. I placed my binoculars down before running out of the tower. Troy took a look himself after I left.

I grabbed the board and paddled out towards her seeing that she was going under. My heart raced. Just as I reached her she was under but as I pulled her up I realised who it was. Y/n! I checked her pulse which wasn't there. Don't panic! I said to myself. I raised my arm in the air doing the sign that I need a defib when I return. Mouse was by the waters edge watching me. I began chest compressions on her. "It's going to be ok y/n." I said letting the tears slip. Mouse met me half way and help. "She's got no pulse." I said. A few of the other joined us as we carried her on the board out of the water.

We bought her up away from the waters edge and began to work on her. Jethro ran over with the defib getting it ready. "Does anyone know who this is?" Harries asked. "It's y/n. My girlfriend." I said as the tears slipped down my cheeks. "Crap." Jackson mumbled. They began chest compressions on her as that what the defib instructed them to do. We shocked her once and carried on for a bit.

This felt like ages. It felt like time had froze. "We'll save her Jake." Deano said patting my back. I let out a shaky breath. "We have a pulse!" Reidy exclaimed making my heart fall. "It's not the strongest but it's there." He added. "Thank you so much." I said wiping my tears. "You're going to be ok y/n. You're strong." I told her.

Just as I thought it would be any longer Hoppo began to talk. "Ambo has arrived." He said as he looked out for them. I sighed in relief. "You're going to be ok y/n." I told her as I held her hand near my mouth. I can't loose her not now. Not never. She's my everything. I love her. The ambo came and placed her on the stretcher bringing her up to the ambo. Hoppo gave me a nod which meant I could go with her and leave early. So I did. I got in the back of the ambo and soon we were off to the hospital. 

Your POV:
My body filled with pain as I began to wake up. I coughed a few times which caught Jake's attention. "Y/n?! Let me go get a nurse real quick." Jake said leaving the room then returning with a nurse. They did some checks and soon left minutes later.

It was just Jake and I in the room. Faint memories from this morning flooded my brain. I was about to speak but Jake beat me too it. "I'm so sorry baby. I shouldn't of said those things and none of this would've happened." Jake explained. I wanted to cry myself. "It's ok Jake." I mumbled. He looked up at me. "I could've lost you and then my whole world would've gone." He sobbed. "I'm here now Jake. I'm ok. Let's forget what happened this morning and focus on what's happening right now." I told him as I kissed his hand. "Ok." He mumbled. We both stayed close to one another. I'm so glad I'm here.

A/n: I have a new post coming out on my art account on Instagram later (8pm UK time) and it's a big drawing of the lifeguards so go check it out then!

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