Lachie - feelings

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Requested by @Jia_Sethi

Your POV:
Joining this job was a dream. This is all I ever wanted to do but I did have a back up plan if anything did happen. I made friends instantly. I've been close to Lachie. We've spent a lot of time together.

It was a new day. Another day at work. Another day of hearing about Lachie and his girlfriend. "Hey y/n!" Lachie said as I walked into the tower. "Hey." I smiled. "How are you today?" He asked. "Yeah I'm good. What about you?" I asked. "Really good actually." He replied. I smiled. We all got talking in the tower. "How long have you two been together?" Deano asked. "Three months." He said. I rolled my eyes. All he ever talks about is her. I wish it was me. I admit that I have caught feelings for him ever since I joined this job well not from the start. I would say about a few months in. Lachie would occasionally look over at me with a big smile on his face. He would mention her name while looking at me. "You ok y/n?" Harrison asked snapping me out of my thoughts. "Yeah perfect." I replied getting up and leaving the tower.

Luke was in the rhino down north end by himself so I made my way down there. "Hey Luke." I smiled taking a seat next to him. "Oh hey y/n good to see you." He smiled. I sighed. "You seem down what's wrong?" He asked. "It's just what they're talking about up in the tower. It annoys me." I explained. "What are they on about?" Luke asked. "Lachie is talking about his girlfriend and won't stop talking about her. The two of them are great for one another but talking about it all the time is too much." I said. Luke chuckled. "We're all like that." He admitted. "You're true there." I smiled. It went silent between the two of us. "You like him don't you?" Luke asked. "Yes of course I do. When he walks in the room I get butterflies. It's this feeling I can't explain. Just sad really. I should be happy for him not sad." I told him.

Lachie's POV:
I can't get y/n off of my mind. It affected my relationship. I haven't seen y/n for sometime. I took time off of work as my girlfriend, well ex girlfriend now, broke up. I needed time to focus on me for a bit. Also I had a week of anyways as it was an already booked break for me.

I was finally back at work. Y/n was there looking good as always. "Hey Lachie." She said. I smiled taking a seat. "I'm sorry about your break up." She whispered. "What's there to be sorry about? You weren't the one who broke my heart!" I accidentally snapped. She looked at me in shock. "I was only trying to help so you didn't need to snap at me." She exclaimed. "It didn't mean to come out like that." I told her sighing. "That's what they all say." She mumbled. "So now your doing it." I replied. "Lachie honestly you've been acting up ever since you started dating that girl. You were winding me up about it and rubbing it in my face. I've had enough. You don't know how it feels being on my side." She said on the verge of tears.

It wasn't meant to come out like that. "Y/n?" I sighed. "Save it Lachie. If you need me I'll be at south end with Harrison." She said getting up walking towards the door. I jumped up grabbing her wrist. She turned looking at me in sadness. I pressed my lips to hers and she soon kissed me back. "I love you y/n!" I told her. She smiled. "I love you too Lachie." She replied. "I mean it. I really do. I dated her to see if my feelings for you would go but they never did. Don't get me wrong my ex was such a lovely person and I think she also realised I liked you. She's happy for me. For us." I explained to her. Y/n smiled up at me. Chappo and Whippet walked into the tower. "Did we interrupt something?" Chris asked. "Umm no." I replied scratching the back of my neck.

A/n: hope you like this and thank you for requesting!

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