Joel - worked out - pt 5

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Your POV:
Ever since Joel came over to mine that night I can't stop thinking about him. It was a new day. Joel has been staying over mine quite a bit. It's nice slowly going back to normal. The two of us walked into the tower earning looks of the other guys. "I thought you two broke up?" Jackson said with a confused look. "Ex's can be friends." I smiled placing my bags down. "True." He laughed. I rolled my eyes. The day went by fast. I did quite a few rescues and helped people find things. It was a good day.

It was the end of the shift and Joel walked into the tower then over to me. "Still want me over tonight?" He whispered in my ear. I smiled. "Yes!" I said earning a smile off of him. The chair turned showing Jethro sat there. "So are you two back together then?" Jethro asked. I smiled a Joel. "Maybe." I said shrugging my shoulders. "So is that a yes or a no?" He asked. "You'll have to find out." I smirked. Joel laughed rolling his eyes. The two of us headed towards the door. "Have a good evening love birds." Jethro said as we left the tower for the night before heading home.

A/n: I can imagine jethro sat on the chair with his feet up on the desk when he said that 😂

- - - -

I woke up remembering the events from last night which made me smile. "Morning babe." He said making me smile. "Morning." I said back turning to face him. We were wrapped up in the sheets and our legs were tangled together. "You're gorgeous you know that?" Joel said moving a piece of hair out of my face. I smiled blushing a bit. "You are. Honestly. I'm not just saying it because of last night I'm saying it because of how I really feel towards you." He explained. "Thank you Joel." I smiled burying my head in his chest. We spent most of the morning in bed together.

I was tidying up the room while Joel was doing god knows what. "Y/n what are we?" Joel asked walking into the living room. I smirked slightly just seeing him with no top on. My cheeks went red. "Well after last night I think we're more than friends." I smiled. "Are we now?" He said raising an eyebrow with a slight smirk. "Well what did you think?" I asked walking over to him wrapping my arms around his waist. He pecked my lips softly. "I love you y/n." He mumbled. "I love you too Joel." I said as we shared a kiss before getting on with our day.

A/n: final part 🥺 this felt so long tho tbh 🤣

Also if you have any ideas you want me to use or want to see comment them below!

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