Reidy - not anymore

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Reidy's POV:
The two of us have been dating for 8 years and I still haven't asked her the question. But I do plan to ask her soon though.

I was sat in the tower with a few others at the end of our shifts. "When you going to ask y/n the question?" Deano asked as he took a sip of his drink. "Soon I hope but I'm not sure how I'm going to ask her though?" I said to the others. "Well ask in a simple way. Im sure she'll love that." Harries said. I smiled. "Yeah I wouldn't make it too fancy even though it's nice having a sweet proposal like that but make it a little fancy for her." Harrison said. "Don't leave it too long either because I bet she's wondering when you're going to pop the question." Luke said making me laugh.

We talked for longer. "I'm off. I'll see you lot tomorrow." I told them all getting up off of my chair. "Tell us how it goes." Anthony smiled. "Of course see you lot later." I said to them as I walked towards the door. "Good luck mate. She'll say yes for sure!" Hoppo patted my shoulder as I left the tower and headed home for the evening.

Your POV:
I had a long day at work myself and I needed to have a nice relaxing evening. I hope. The lights were on in the house which meant Reidy was home. I walked in seeing food on the table. "What's all this for?" I asked with a smile. "Well I gathered you had a long day at work so I thought I treat you." He smiled. I love him. We both ate our food and enjoyed one another's company.

I noticed that Reidy was acting odd. It was almost like he was nervous for something. "Babe what's going on?" I asked him. "I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore." He told me. I gave him a blank stare and I was shocked also confused. "Do you not love me?" I asked trying not to cry. "I want to be your husband." He said making my heart skip a beat. I thought he had me then.

He took my hand leading me outside to our backyard. It was lit up nicely with lights. I wanted to cry of happiness but I held it in. Reidy walked behind me while I had my back to him. I turned around seeing him there. My hands raised to my face. "Will you marry me y/n?" Reidy asked on one knee. I smiled. "Yes!" I exclaimed making him slip the ring on my finger. Reidy picked me up spinning me around and placing a kiss to my lips. "To our future." He said making me smile. Can't wait.

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