Kobi - father/daughter

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Requested by @clemgtr_

Kobi Graham:
- he was the one who broke his neck then did the lifeguard challenge weeks/months after his injury!

Kobi Graham:- he was the one who broke his neck then did the lifeguard challenge weeks/months after his injury!

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Your POV:
My dad, Kobi and I headed down to bondi for the day. It was his day off and we had a father/daughter day together. I love having days like this with dad so we can bond more. We both headed down with our surf boards as we were surfing together for some of the day. We got in the water. The waves were good for surfing today.

We both caught some waves. I stood up on my board just as a wave came but it crashed down causing me to fall. I screamed feeling pain hitting me instantly and not being able to move.

Kobi's POV:
I heard a scream when Y/n fell off of her board. I rushed over to her. "Dad!" She screamed. "My body." She exclaimed. She was on laying slightly on the board. "Hey can you help me?" I asked some surfers that were passing by. They all came over to help. "I can't feel anything dad." Y/n whispered in fear. "It's going to be ok sweetie.Your going to be ok." I said trying not to cry.

The 6 of us, as 6 surfers came by to help, bought y/n back to shore. A few of the lifeguards, Harries, Deano, Reidy and Quinn all came running down. Quinn had a spinal board in his hands with the bits to go with it. We took her up away from the water. "What happened?" Harries asked. "I think she got dumped by a wave as we were surfing." I told them placing my hands on my hips. "She's going to be ok." Deano said placing a hand on my shoulder. I smiled. I kneeled down to her level. "I love you y/n." I said squeezing her hand. "I love you too dad." She replied in pain.

The ambo crew arrived checking y/n's vitals and stabilising her before they moved her onto the ambo. I got into the ambo and we headed off to the hospital. Thankfully there was no permanent damage.

A/n: hope you like this and thank you for requesting!

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