Jethro - 2 minutes - part 2

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Requested by @Everlyn_Potter

Jethro's POV:
We arrived at the hospital and y/n got rushed in. "Sorry sir you have to wait here." A doctor told me. I nodded my head taking a seat in the waiting room. Y/n's parents weren't in town but I phoned them telling them the situation so they're coming to the hospital tomorrow.

A doctor walked into the waiting room. I stood up as the doctor was walking towards me. "You can go see her now." A doctor told me. I rolled him into the room y/n was in. She was asleep. It broke my heart seeing her like this. The doctor left the room. I walked around and sat by her bed. She's in the best hands. I placed my things down and placed her hand in mine. "You're in the best hands y/n. You're going to be ok y/n. Remember I love you and I'm always going to be here." I told her as a few tears slipped down my cheeks. I squeezed her hand pulling it to my mouth kissing it lightly.

Your POV:
My eyes opened and immediately getting blinded by the lights. Jethro smiled at me. "How you feeling?" He asked putting a piece of my hair behind my ear. I smiled slightly. "Tired, sore but I'm ok." I told him. He smiled. "Glad to hear that you're ok." He whispered. I moved over in the hospital bed a bit for him so he could get in the bed with me. Jethro got in the bed cuddling up next to me resting his head on my shoulder. "I love you y/n." I heard him mumbled. "I love you too." I replied as we fell asleep together.

*2 months later*

It's been 2 months since the accident. The doctor said I could go back to work but only for tower duty for the next few months. So that's what I'm doing. "Y/n?" I heard Jethro say. I moved and opened my eyes. I took a shower and got myself ready and back into my new blue lifeguard shirt. "Looking good." Jethro said as I looked into the mirror. "Thank you." I smiled. He hugged me from behind kissing the bottom of my neck. I grabbed my bag and so did he. Jethro had been staying with me from when I came home from the hospital. He's been by my side throughout it all.

The two of us walked hand in hand down towards the tower. Jethro walked by me as we walked into the tower. "Welcome back y/n!" Hoppo said. "Thank you." I smiled. Jethro took my bag from me and got me a chair to sit down on. "So go to see you." Mouse said taking a seat next to me. All of us caught up with one another.

- - - -

It's been a few weeks now since I've started as a lifeguard again. It was now evening, I had my head resting on Jethro's chest as we laid in bed together. "Thank you for everything." I told him as I traced shapes on his chest with my finger. "Anything for you my angel." He said kissing the top of my head. I snuggled into him. We hugged one another until we fell asleep in one another's arms.

A/n: hope you like this and thank you for requesting!

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