Dylan - his birthday

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Your POV:
It's Dylan's birthday and I'm decorating my small apartment for him. I made him a cake and decorated it myself. I'm proud of it. He's coming around in the evening and spending the night with me.

I turned my living room into a cinema area with loads of pillows and blankets. I want tonight to be special. My phone began to ring:

 My phone began to ring:

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"Happy birthday baby." I smiled over the phone. "Thank you princess." He said making me smile. "When did you want me over?" He asked as I hung up the banner. "In about an hour?" I suggested. "Yeah that's fine." He replied. "Good. I've got to go. Got a lot of things to finish off." I told him. "Ok my love. I'll see you soon. I love you." He said. "I love you too! Bye." I replied. Dylan said bye and we hung up the phone. An hour to get everything all done.

The cake was set up on the table. I placed his presents around it. There were balloons also to add to the decoration as well as a birthday banner. Hopefully he likes it.

Dylan's POV:
Unfortunately I couldn't do much for my birthday this year because of being in quarantine but I was allowed to visit my beautiful girlfriend y/n. Obviously spend it with family but I couldn't have a big party this year but being with family is great. Soon the evening came around and it was time for me to head to y/n's. "See you tomorrow!" I said to my mum and brother before I left. "Have a good evening Dylan." They both said making me smile. Y/n didn't love far from us. She lives about 15 minutes down the road so I walked there instead of driving.

I arrived at her place waiting on the driveway like she told me to do. The front door opened and she walked out. "Happy birthday!" She smiled. I wrapped my arms around her hugging her tight. "Ok so I have a surprise for you inside but I need your eyes to be covered. I didn't bring a blindfold with me so my hands will have to do. They're clean don't worry." She chuckled. I smiled back at her. "You have to trust me on this." She told me as I smiled. "Of course." I replied. Y/n isn't the tallest, she'a just over my shoulder height. It's cute. One of her hands covered my eyes as we walked.

Your POV:
We walked into the apartment without tripping up. I pulled my hands away from his eyes. "Surprise." I said with a smile. "Aww baby this is amazing!" He exclaimed pulled me into him. "I know it's not anything massive because of being in lockdown but I thought you would like this." I told him. "Well babe, it's perfect." Dylan said placing his lips on mine. "I made the cake myself." I told him. "Ooo can't wait to try some then." He smirked.

Dylan and I spent the evening watching movies, him opening his presents and us eating cake. What a great way to spend the rest of the evening of your birthday!

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