Chase - pretend - pt2

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Chase's POV:
Y/n was now gone and I had no one. I headed back inside taking a seat at the table. "She alright mate?" Dylan asked. I sighed. "I've messed up. I knew this wasn't a good idea." I said playing with my fork. All of the guys thought y/n and I were a couple as they only see the good side of us (as in we're getting along well now).

Noah and Dylan pulled me aside. "What happened?" Noah asked. I sighed. "Y/n and I aren't dating." I told them. Dylan gave me a confused look. "But you two looked like you were." Dylan said scratching the top of his head. "We acted like we were but we were never a thing. We wanted to 'look' like we were in love but it went the other way. She fell in love with me." I explained. "Well do you feel the same way?" Noah asked. I smiled. "Yeah. Of course I do." I exclaimed. "We'll Chase if I were you I would go after her." Dylan smiled. They're right. I should. "Thank you." I said to them before heading to the door. "GO GET YOUR GIRL!!" Noah shouted making me laugh as I left the venue.

Your POV:
This was a mistake. This should've never happened. I regret it. I shouldn't of said yes. I got out of the Uber safely and it soon drove off. I sighed as the tears fell down my cheeks. This wasn't how the night was supposed to end.

The sound of a car approached and soon stopped. I turned to see who it was. "Y/N?!" I heard him say. "Go away Chase." I mumbled. "Please y/n, give me a chance." He pleaded. "Chase you don't realise do you! I remember telling myself before you came to pick me up not to fall in love, think of him as a friend and a friend only. Nope. It went the other way. I couldn't control the feelings I had towards you." I cried. "I love you y/n." He said nearly on the verge of tears as I could tell from his voice. "You're just saying that because of what I told you. You don't really mean it." I said letting the tears slip. Chase was now crying himself. I did feel bad. Deep down.

He wiped his tears. "I fell for you. You looked great tonight. I know we got off to the wrong start but I care about you y/n. Something clicked making me realise why am I acting that way towards you. I kicked myself everyday because of it. I wanted to be friends with you and not enemies. Now it's come back to the start. If I could put it into words how much you mean to me then I would. I chose you. And will over and over. You're every reason why I smile in the mornings. The way your eyes light up the room. The way your hand fits in mine. Your smile gives me butterflies. I fell in love with everything about you y/n. I'm never going to leave you." Chase cried. My eyes brimmed with more tears (if that was even possible).

Chase placed his lips on mine kissing me passionately as he placed his hands either side of my face. I kissed back. We pulled away for air resting our foreheads together. "I love you y/n. I really do." He cried as he held me. "I love you too." I sobbed not wanting to let him god. "Be mine?" He asked quietly. I nodded my head. "Yes." I said as he placed another kiss gently on my lips.

A cool breeze hit me. Chase noticed as he wrapped his arms around me. He's so warm. "Let's get you inside." Chase said as we both walked into my house. We spent the night together just enjoying one another company.

A/n: this was a good 2 part series!

Also there's only 50 parts left in this book 🥺

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