Chappo - my turn

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Your POV:
I woke up early today. I was nervous as I had something big planned. Chris was sound asleep when I woke up. It was around 7:45am ish when I got out of bed. I paced around the living room thinking of ways on how to ask him. I'm just going to say it. Nothing fancy. I'm just going to say it.

The presents were under the tree ready for us to open later on besides one. I hid it in the draw so I walked over to get it. I took it out and placed it under the tree and at the back for last. That's when I headed into the kitchen and began to cook us a cooked breakfast. This was always something we had on Christmas Day. Not much but it's something Chris and I love. Being up for about and hour I soon felt arms wrap themselves around my waist and lips pressed to my cheek. I smiled/blushed a little.

Chris' POV:
The smell of food woke me up. I turned in bed to find y/n not there. She must be cooking. I checked my phone and wished family and friends Merry Christmas then placed my phone down for the time being. I got out of bed and headed out of the room to find her. Y/n was standing there in her pyjamas cooking us breakfast. I walked over to her wrapping my arms around her waist and pressed my lips to her cheek. "Morning princess." I mumbled. "Morning." She replied with a smile. "Merry Christmas." I said. "Merry Christmas Chris." Y/n said as she moved the pan off of the stove. I let go of her as she dished up our food. We sat there and ate it. Just as y/n was going to wash up I stepped in. "Let me do this. You go get ready." I told her. "Thank you." She smiled and walked off to our bedroom to get ready for the day. I washed up the dishes and then got ready myself.

Y/n walked into the living room sitting down next to me on the sofa. We sat there for a few minutes. "Shall we open some presents?" I asked. Y/n's face lit up. "Yes!" She exclaimed. Y/n got off the sofa and headed to the tree. She handed me a present then sat by the tree. It was cute. I opened the present which revealed some nice clothing. "Thank you." I smiled looking at it. Nothing beats some clothes. I handed one over to her. She opened it revealing a box. Y/n smiled as I think she knew what it was. The box was opened and it was a pair of shoes that she's been looking at for ages. "Aw thanks Chris." She smiled. We hugged then carried on opening the presents.

As we got closer to finishing up with the presents y/n was getting nervous. I could tell by her not sitting still. Once I finished opened one of mine I stopped. "Y/n are you ok?" I asked her. "Yeah. Yeah I'm all good." She told me with a smile. Not a real one though. I didn't want to keep on at her but I hope she's ok. We opened the remaining of the presents.

Your POV:
All the presents were opened. "I have one last gift." I said handing him the small box. Chris opened the small gift which revealed a ring. He gave me a look. It's now or never y/n. "Chris it's been on my mind for ages and since it's coming up to our 5th anniversary I was thinking of asking you. I want to know if you'll marry me... will you?" I asked finally looking him in the eyes. Chris smiled making me smile. "Of course my love. I will marry you." He said kissing me after. "You know I was planning the exact same thing." He said as he held me in his arms. "We're you?" I asked. "Mmm yeah. I wanted it to be special. Just the two of us but this was so much more special. I love you y/n." Chris said. I smiled. "I love you too Chris." I replied as we snuggled into one another.

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