Noah - wrong guy - pt 2

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Your POV:
We sat on his sofa. "What happened?" He asked. "Alex asked me to marry him!" I exclaimed. "And what did you say?" He asked. "No." I said looking down at the ground. "You can tell me anything right? You know that." He told me as we hugged a little.

Noah's POV:
Y/n looked so sad. I don't blame here after what she went through. Alex wasn't the nicest of guys. He turned for the worst shortly after. I wasn't the happiest either when y/n came to me crying about how he's not letting her see me which I find wrong. It's her life and shouldn't be controlled by some freak.

I couldn't actually believe what he put her through. "He hurt me. I tried to get away from him as I had to see my best friend. But not seeing you for months on end showed me how much you meant to me. You mean everything to me Noah. I'm sorry about that kiss earlier." She explained. I held her hand in mine. "I'm glad your back y/n. There is something I do need to tell you." I told her. "What is it?" She asked as we stared at one another. "When you kissed me earlier I felt a spark." I admitted seeing her smile.

Your POV:
His smile. I always liked Noah but I tried to hide my feeling fo him by dating someone else. Yeah but that didn't work out as you know. "In a way I feel finally free." I said making Noah smile. "And that's a good thing. He was nothing but trouble. You have me now." He said making me feel butterflies. Oh Noah.

We smiled at one another. "There is one thing I do need to say though?" He told me. "Ok?" I replied ready to listen to what he had to say. "Y/n I know this seems too soon but I can't keep it in anymore. I like you. I like you more than a friend and seeing Alex treat you that way hurt me more than anything. You give me butterflies and I love that feeling. I would have that feeling over anything." He said to me. "I feel the same way Noah. I really do." I said as we rested our heads together sharing this moment.

Time for the best of us and I got up off of the sofa. "I better be off." I said. "Stay the night with me?" He asked making me smile. "Of course." I smiled as he took my hand leading me to his room. "Umm Noah I don't have anything to change into." I said making him smile. Noah had a look in his eyes. "I knew if something like this happened  and you stayed the night, I would have something for you to sleep in." He told me going through his closet. "You have a choice." He told me. "Ooo a choice." I smiled as we laughed.

Noah turned to me. "You can sleep with some of these *shows some sweatpants* or one of my T-shirts." He said. "I'll sleep with *what you chose*." I told him making him smiled. He handed it over to me and I got changed in the bathroom. We both got into bed and I rested my head on his chest. "Thank you." I mumbled making him chuckle a little. "Anything for you my love." Noah said making my heart melt.

A/n: this was cute 🥺 also thank you for over 50k on this book!

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