Jethro - mine

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Your POV:
My dms on Instagram are full of questions and other things from the fans.

Are you and Jethro dating?

You and Jethro are so cute together.

Hey I love you!

They would sometimes make me laugh and smile but sometimes you get the odd hater. Just brush them off.

Jethro and I were both down south end looking out into the water. We did some rescues then once it was our time we headed back up to the tower. The two of us walked up the stairs and some people on the other side of the railings were gathering. "Jethro?!" Some people shouted which caught his attention. He walked over to them and got photos with them all. "We love you." One said. It's so sweet. "Jeff I'll be in the tower." I told him not that he heard me.

Joel and a few others were sat in the tower. I looked towards Jethro and the group of people. I noticed one of them handing Jethro a bit of paper. My cheeks went a little red. "You alright y/n?" Joel asked. "Perfect." I replied with a smile. "I know when you're being sarcastic." He smiled. I sighed rolling my eyes. Jethro walked back in moments later and I quickly sat in my chair properly.

Jethro's POV:
Y/n was acting strange a little. "Can I see that?" Y/n asked as she reached out for the bit of paper. I gave it to her then she placed it down on the desk. "I need some fresh air." She said getting up and leaving the tower.

I gave her a smile but she just ignored me. "Joel what's up with y/n?" I asked while she wasn't here. "I think she's just jealous mate." He said. "You think?" I asked. He nodded his head. "For sure. The piece of paper is the reason why." Joel said handing it back over to me. I opened it seeing the girls number on it. Oh god.

Your POV:
I sighed. Why do I over react with things like that? It was just a number. Ugh why?! I was sat on a bench before I headed off home. "Y/n?" I heard Jethro call. I turned seeing him walking towards me. "You ok?" He asked. "I guess." I said fiddling with my fingers. He took a seat on the bench next to me. "What's up?" He asked. "Guess I got a little jealous." I replied. "About what?" He asked softly. "Seeing those girls all over you and then seeing one of them handing you that bit of paper topped it all off." I explained. "Aww my baby's jealous. Now that's cute." Jethro joked. "Not funny." I mumbled.

Jethro placed his hands in mine squeezing them a little. "You're mine and mine only love." He smiled getting a smile out of me. "Bare in mind that it was just a number. Yes she was a sweet person but I never would see her as anything more. You're my boo and I want to keep it that way." He explained as he looked into my eyes making me smile more. "I would love that." I smiled making his lean his head against mine. "I love you y/n." He mumbled. "I love you too Jeff." I replied as we shared a little moment together.

A/n: this wasn't how I remembered it ending when I wrote it the first time but I love this ending more that the first one I had (:

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