Dylan - out of town

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Dylan's POV:
I have been out of town for a while with my mates for a small holiday. I miss Vicki dearly (of course). That's why I thought I would surprise her when I come back. My mum and brother invited her over to stay the night even though she thought I wasn't going to be home for a few more days. It was around 5/6pm when she came around.

The door opened and in walked Vicki. "I had the worst day ever. Customers were constantly moaning in my ear about how we didn't have this product or that product. Ugh. I just want to see Dylan as I miss him and he always cheers me up when I have days like this." She explained walking in. "Oh hey Dylan." She said sitting next to him as she took a handful of the popcorn. I smiled. "Dylan?!" Vicki exclaimed.

Your POV:
When I walked in I got a hug from his mum. Daniel was sat on the sofa next to another blonde haired boy. I thought it was just his friend. It looked like Dylan so I had to do a double take to make sure I wasn't seeing anything. "Dylan?!" I exclaimed throwing myself onto him. "Ah babe." He said making me giggle a little. He wrapped his arms around me tightly. "I missed you." I whispered in his ear. "I missed you too." He said hugging me tightly. We moved our heads so they faced one another both smiling like mad. Our lips touched softly. It's been too long. "I love you." He mumbled against my lips as I smiled into the kiss. "I love you too." I said after we pulled away.

Daniel and their mum walked in with smiled on their faces. "Surprise." They said making me laugh. "The best surprise I've ever received. Thank you." I smiled getting up and hugging them. They're all so nice to me.

- - - -

Dylan was laying on the sofa as I was laying on top of him with my head on his chest. "I missed you." I told him. He had his arms wrapped around me. "I have an idea." He smiled down at me. We both got up off of the sofa and towards the door. "We're going for a walk." Dylan told his mum so she knew what we were doing. As we walked Dylan had his hand in mine and his thumb was rubbing my hand. I love it when he does that. He took his skate board with him so I knew what was going to happen.

We took some photos together and had a laugh. When we're together time flys by. Dylan placed his board down and went for a skate. "Babe look." He said showing me his kick flip (which he finally landed after many attempts of trying). "Ahh you did it!" I exclaimed running over to him. "Your turn." He smirked at me. "Ah you wish." I laughed. "Nope you're giving it a go." He said pulling my hand playfully.

I gave it a go shall I say. Dylan held my hands while I was on the skateboard. "Don't let go." I said trying to to fall even though he had hold of me. Dylan being Dylan let go of me as I rolled down the street. "Ahh." I screamed with a laugh after. I managed to stop safely so I didn't get hurt. Dylan ran after me then wrapped his arms around my waist. "That was fun." I laughed. "You did great." He said kissing my cheek. We began to walk a little further down the road. "How was the trip?" I asked. "It was great. We had a blast and we're definitely going to do it again." He told me. "Aw well I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." I said with a smile making him chuckle a little. I looked at my phone. "We better head back." Dylan said as we began to walk home.

We made it back to his an hour later. "There you two are." His mum said. We smiled. "We lost track of time." I said with Dylan nodding. She hugged us both before Dylan took my hand and led me up to his room shutting the door behind him. I smiled. We both got ready for bed before anything else. "Vicki?" Dylan called. "You know I love you right?" He smiled. "I hope you do. What's up?" I asked taking a seat on the bed looking over at him. "I have a question." He said laying down next to me. I nodded my head. "Will you promise to be my fiancé one day?" He smirked playing with my fingers. "What are you trying to say Dylan?" I asked. He rolled over and opened his side table draw.

Dylan turned back to me handing me a box. "Open it." He smiled as I did. It revealed a ring. "Dylan?" I said softly. "It's a promise ring. I promise to marry you one day and promise to make you happy." He told me. "I love it." I said as he placed the ring on my finger. "And I promise to love you forever and always." I told him. I fell down next to him playing with his hair. "I love you so much." I told him. He smiled. "And I love you too." He smiled pressing a small kiss to my lips. He's the best boyfriend.

I got in bed and Dylan followed behind me. We snuggled up with our legs tangled together and our arms around one another. Oh how I've missed him. He played with my hair for a bit until he both became sleepy. "Goodnight princess." Dylan whispered kissing the top of my head. "Goodnight." I whispered back as we both fell into a deep sleep.

A/n: oml he's the sweetest 🥺 I'll use my name from now on for y'all 🤭😂

I lowkey do ship us tho 🥺🤭😂

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