Harrison - always

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Your POV:
When my son was born he was there. He was there when he was delivered. He was there after. He was there from day one. That guy is Harrison, my best friend. My son is now 4. Harrison has been by my side for 4 years. He's been my best friend for 6 years. He also helped me pick out a name for my beautiful baby boy. We named him Luka. The nurses mistakenly asked if he was the father but he wasn't. We said just a best friend. They were supportive after all that. Harrison doesn't live with me he comes around when he can. Luka loves that.

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There was a knock at the door. Luka ran to the front door before me opening it. "Luka you know what mummy says about answering the door." I told him. Harrison walked in picking him up while smiling. "Sorry mummy." He said. I smiled. "Morning to my two most favourite people." Harrison said walking into the house. "Morning." I said as I packed the final bits of Luka's school bag. "How are you Luka?" Harrison asked. "Really good!" He smiled making us laugh. "Really good! Wow." Harrison replied.

Luka went off to play with his toys for a little while. Harrison walked over giving me a hug. "How are you this morning?" He asked. "I'm alright. Luka didn't have a good night last night. He came into my room crying so I let him sleep with me for the rest of the night. He's ok now." I smiled. "That's good but remember if you need me at anytime, day or night please phone me so I can come help." He said making me smile. "Thank you." I said. We watched Luka for a few minutes until it was time for us to leave for school. "Shall we take you to school mr?" Harrison suggested. "No I want to stay home with you Harrison!" Luka exclaimed. "I would love to stay home with you too Luka but I've also got to go somewhere and so has mummy." Harrison explained. "Ok." Luka said in a sad tone. I thanked Harrison. The three of us got in Harrison's car and he drove us to Luka's school. We sent Luka into school with a smile. He's always happy when he sees his friends.

It was just now Harrison and I for the day. Harrison had work later on and so did I. We both started around the same time but two totally different jobs. He's a lifeguard and I work in a cafe across from the beach. The two of us made our way to work saying goodbye to one another. We always met up for lunch so that was our plan for today.

The bell of the shop door went off. I looked up seeing Harrison walk in with a smile. "Lunch?" He suggested. I smiled. "I'm going for my lunch break." I told my boss who nodded letting me go. Harrison and I walked out of the cafe and found a spot to sit. We both bought our own lunches. Luka helped me pack mine which he loves doing in the mornings before he goes to school.

We began to eat. "How's everything at home?" He asked. I sighed. "It can be stressful sometimes. Luka is such a sweet boy. He's so helpful which I love. I couldn't ask for anyone better. We're a power team. Sometimes it's hard but I know I have you." I explained. Harrison took my hand. "You'll always have me no matter what. If you want I can take Luka off your hands for a few hours done day so you can sort out things." He told me. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Yes definitely!" He pleaded. I smiled.

The next day Harrison decided to take Luka for the day while I sorted things around the house and made some errands. It felt odd without him here as I'm so used to having him all the time. I'm so thankful to have someone like Harrison. "Mummy! Mummy!" I heard Luka call through the house as they returned home. I smiled instantly hearing his voice. "Yes?" I replied as I hugged him. "Harrison and I went to the beach and went swimming. He bought me a ice cream." Luka said. "Did he now? Did you have fun with Harrison?" I asked. "Yes!" Luka exclaimed jumping up and down. Luka ran off and Harrison walked in. "Thank you for taking him today." I told him. "Anytime. We both loved it." He said hugging me.

It was now a little later in the evening and a knock came from the door. Luka's eyes lit up. I shook my head so he stayed playing with his toys. Luckily Harrison was there to look after him. I walked to the door opening it revealing someone who I thought I would never see again and never wanted to see actually. Finn. Luka's dad. He left me when he found out I was pregnant and never showed his face to me until now. "Give me a second." I said to Harrison while he carried on playing with Luka. I walked out shutting the door behind me. "What are you doing here?" I exclaimed. "To see you obviously. I also heard you have had my son. Why wasn't I informed?" Finn asked. "Because you have no right too?!" I exclaimed. "He's my son! Of course I do." Finn said. I really wanted to shout and scream at Finn but I knew Luka was inside and he would get upset if he heard me.

The front door opened. "Mummy?" Luka called. "Sorry y/n I tried to keep him away but he ran off before I could do anything." Harrison said as I turned to face him. Finn turned to look at the two behind me. "A new lad hey. I always knew you were that kind of girl." He grumbled. I couldn't have Luka hear this. "Harrison please take Luka inside. I'll explain everything later." I pleaded. Harrison nodded as he shut the door.

A/n: part one of this small series!

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