Joel - it's love

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A/n: short but sweet ✨🤍

Joel's POV:
Jeff and I are out camping for a few nights. We were currently laying on a big blanket under the stars looking up at the night sky. Me and my friend y/n have been good friends for many years. We've shared breakups and many other things together. We've also shared moments where you would think we're a couple but we're really not.

I placed some food in my mouth chewing it for a few seconds before swallowing. "So how's you and y/n?" Jeff asked. A smile appeared on my face just hearing her name gives me goosebumps. "Great. She gives me this feeling every time I see her or even hear her name." I smiled. "What kind of feeling?" Jeff asked. "I can't explain the feeling as I've never felt it before. It feels good but in an odd way. I mean I would never change it." I said. It was so hard to explain.

I kept looking up at the sky. "It's hard to let go of for some reason. Like when I see her I go all jelly." I said smiling at the thought of her. "That's called love Joel." Jethro told me. Nah I didn't believe him. "I can't let go of her. She means a lot to me." I said. I could faintly see Jethro rolling his eyes.

Once someone mentions her name or anything to do with y/n I can't stop talking about how I feel about her. "When we touch I get butterflies but I'm also scared in a way. What if she thinks of me just as a friend or doesn't want me as a friend anymore? I need to stop the bad thoughts. Of course she wants me." I laughed. That's so stupid of me to think. "I want more time with her but I guess it's worth giving it all I've got." I explained. Jethro chuckled.

It went silent. "You're in love with her Joel." Jeff told me. That's when it clicked. "I am in love with her." I whispered.

Bondi Rescue Imagines - BOOK 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora