Harrison - my boo

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This chapter is dedicated to Chelseasme2 ... you deserve this! Thank you for the lovely comments!

Chelsea's POV:
Nothing beats waking up together and falling asleep together. Being the first person you see when you wake up and last person you see when you fall asleep. The alarm on the bedside went off. I learnt over to turn it off. Harrison was still sleeping. "Come on sleepy head. You've got work today." I whispered to him as he groaned. "Do I have too? Can't I stay home with you?" He asked. "As much as I would love for you too, you can't, you've got a beach to patrol." I said making him sigh. "True." He smiled/laughed. "But hey after work we've got all the time to spend." I reminded him. We both got up. Harrison used the bathroom while I went into the kitchen to make his lunch for the day.

Harrison was finishing getting ready while I'll finished up making his lunch. This was always what I did for him every time he worked. He loves it. He walked into the kitchen hugging me. "Thank you." He said. I smiled. We both walked towards the door. "I'll see you later princess." Harrison said kissing the top of my head before he left. "Have a good day." I smiled. "And you." He replied with a wink. My heart fluttered. Today was a work from home day for me. I did some work and some cleaning too. A very productive day I think.

- - - -

The keys in the lock made me instantly look at the door. It opened and in walked Harrison. He was so smiley. We walked towards one another hugging each other tightly. This is what we did when one of us was at work or one comes in later than the other. "Missed you today." I whispered in his ear. "Missed you too." He said back. We shared a quick kiss. "What were you doing?" He asked me. "Just making some dinner if you want to help?" I said making him place his things down. "Sure!" He smiled. I took Harrison's hand leading him into the kitchen to finish off making *favourite food*. "Smells good." I smiled as we finished up. "Bet it tastes just as good." He smirked. I shook my head in laughter as we both tucked into the food.

After dinner the two of us went off to do our own things. Mine was just get my things together for work tomorrow. I picked out an outfit trying it on but having second thoughts about it. I need Harrison's opinion? I thought. I walked out of the room and towards wherever he was. "Bubs?" I called through the house. "In here." Harrison replied. I headed into the living room to see him sat on the sofa on his phone. "Yes?" He asked. "I need your honest opinion on this outfit for tomorrow's meeting at work?" I asked doing a small twirl. "Honestly I think you look beautiful my love." He said with his signature smile. I blushed. "Thank you bubs." I pouted as I walked over giving him a big hug. "Anything for you." He said kissing me slowly.

- - - -

The evening went by and we both began to feel very tired. I was in the kitchen finishing up some cleaning when I felt arms wrap around my waist and a chin rest on my shoulder. Harrison sighed. "What's up baby?" I asked as I finished up what I was doing. "Just very tired." He whispered. "Let's have an early night tonight yeah." I suggested. He nodded his head. We both finished up in the kitchen before walking into the living room. Harrison and I watched some tv before he began to yawn a lot. "Time for bed I think." Harrison mumbled into my ear. I smiled. "I'll meet you in the room." I said to him kissing his cheek before he walked into our room.

The two of us were all wrapped up in bed together. "How was your day?" I asked as I traced shapes on his chest. "It was good. Just like any other day really but better." He mumbled. "Why?" I asked with a smile. "Because I got to come home to you my lovely." Harrison said all sappy. I blushed. "Aww." I said. We laid in silence for a few minutes. "Harrison?" I said. "Hmm." I heard him say quietly. "How much do you love me?" I asked out of curiosity. I felt his grip tighten.

His warm breath against my cheek. "I love you more than this world. You're my everything and I can't wait to see what the future brings us." He mumbled. I smiled. "You're so cute." I said hugging him. "You've made me so happy from day one babe. I honestly can't thank you enough. What you do is incredible and you're a true hero to many. I love you so much Harrison. I really do." I said to him. There was silence between us. His small snores filled my ears. I smiled to myself. "Sleep tight my love." I said kissing his cheek. I fell asleep myself shortly after.

A/n: no this wasn't a request it was out of my kind heart to do this 😂! Chelsea needs some Harrison so I delivered 😂!

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