Mouse - date

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Requested by @Robb73

Jo's POV:
Mouse and I are just friends. I see him as a friend. But I must admit I do have slight, only a little, feelings for him. We've worked together for years too. I met him at my first day of the lifeguarding job when he had already done his first year. So we've almost been there from the start with one another. We clicked well.

Mouse would always come to mine before work which I love. The usual knock came from the door. I opened it welcoming him in. "Morning Jo." Mouse said placing his car keys on the table. I smiled/yawned/stretched at the same time. "Morning." I replied. "Want some coffee?" I asked and he nodded his head. I poured us both some coffee which we drank before leaving. We would arrive at work together but not always leave work together. Don't know why.

Our shift started and finished at the same time today.

Mouse's POV:
Jethro and I were having a deep conversation near the end of our shift. We were on the topic of love life and that. "What about you and Jo? You two seem close." He asked. I nodded my head. "I mean we're good friends but I think she just sees me a friend. I'm in love with her." I told Jethro. "Love is a big word mate." He said to me. "I know but that's how I feel." I admit.

Jo walked into the tower with a smile. "How's my two favourite people?" She asked. "Ooo in your favourite?!" Jethro exclaimed. "Don't push it Jeff." She said making him laugh as he stood up. "I'll leave you two alone. See you both tomorrow." Jethro winked walking out of the tower. I rolled my eyes. "What's he on about?" Jo asked. "Oh just something that we were talking about." I said to her. "Care to tell me?" She asked with a small smile.

We began to pack up our things for the evening. "Mouse what are you trying to say?" Jo asked. "Do you want to go out for dinner sometime?" I asked her. "Like as friends?" She asked. I stayed silent for a bit till she clocked on. "Mouse?" She sighed. "I know, I shouldn't of said it." I said instantly regretting asking. Well at least I tried. "I would love to take you out sometime." I told her. "I'm not sure." She said. "Just one night." I said to her. "Let me take you out. Just the two of us all on me." I said making her think. "Fine just this once ok." She gave in. I smiled. "Ok I'll text you the details." I told her. We hugged before heading home for the night.

Jo's POV:

*next day after your shift at the beach*

Mouse and I have been friends for years so I can be myself around him. He knows what I like. I put on a nice outfit for the evening. Before I knew it there was a knock at the door. I walked over opening it seeing Mouse standing there. He had a big smile on his face. "You look nice." He said hugging me. I let him in as I had some final things to do before we went out. "Thank you and you look good too." I said making him chuckle.

Once I finished up Mouse walked me to his car where he opened the door for me then shutting lit for me. What a gentleman?! He's really showing me he cares. In the back of my mind I can see it happening between us but I'm scared to admit it.

He took me to our favourite restaurant where he paid for it all. So kind of him to do so. We ate food then walked around for a while just spending time together. "Shall we get some ice cream?" He suggested. "Oh yes!" I said as we walked towards the ice cream shop. We got our ice creams and began to walk around the place. We laughed and shared stories with one another, took photos and videos but what was most important was making memories with one another.

The evening came to an end and Mouse drove me back home. He walked me up to my door. "Thank you for this evening. I really enjoyed it." I said making mouse smile. He scratched the back of his neck. "Maybe we can do it again sometime." He said sounding nervous. I smiled. "Definitely." I said making his face light up. Before he left I kissed his cheek making him blush. "See you tomorrow mouse." I said as he walked away. "Bye." He waved and left. I smiled to myself. Maybe I was missing out? I definitely see why he wanted to take me out. I like him... A LOT.

- - - -

The next day arrived. Mouse and I were on shift together again. We arrived at the beach and sat in the tower. I rested my head against his shoulder as we sat in the tower on Bronte beach. It was quiet there so nothing much was happening. "Now this is what I like to see." Jethro said making us jump as he walked in. "You could've knocked?!" I exclaimed snuggling back into Mouse. "Sorry." He apologised. I intwined our hands together. "Are you two official?!" He asked all excited. Mouse looked down at me and I smiled in agreement. "Yes. Yes we are." He told Jethro. "Thank the lord. I would've done something if you weren't." Jethro said making us laugh. And from that day Mouse and I became inseparable.

A/n: hope you like this and thank you for requesting! I'm so sorry you had to wait a long time 💙

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