Chase - pretend

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Your POV:
My name was called a few times. I turned around seeing Chase there. "Y/n we need to talk? It's important!" Chase said as he walked towards me. I stopped what I was doing and followed him. We came to a stop. "I need you to be my date for tonight." He said out of the blue. I laughed. "You want me?" I laughed. "I'm being serious." He said looking me dead in the eye. That's when it clicked. "Why?" I asked. "We have a dinner tonight. It's with all the lifeguards and their bringing their other half's and I already kinda told them I have a girlfriend." He explained. I could've choked.

This can't be happening. Chase and I had a bumpy start to our so called "friendship" and now we're finally getting on. This dinner could end it for us both. We'll see.

I turned back to him. "And what's in this for me?" I asked. "I haven't figured that but out yet but please y/n." He pleaded. I sighed. "Fine but you better treat me right otherwise I'm gonna be spilling the truth." I admitted. Chase groaned. "Fine. I'll pick you up at 7pm. Dress up." He smiled. "Ok." I smiled rolling my eyes as he walked off. This is going to be interesting. After a long day I got myself ready for this dinner. This is what I wore:

(This kind of style but can be any colour)

(This kind of style but can be any colour)

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Tonight could go many ways.

- - - -

The two of us got into the car and headed to the venue. Chase helped me out of the car once we arrived. "We have to act like we're in love." He whispered. "Ok." I smiled taking his hand in mine as we walked.

He picked us both up a glass as we walked. He had an arm around my waist too. Butterflies came to my stomach. Chase leaned in whispering in my ear. "You look really good tonight." He said as I felt him smirk soon his lips came in contact with my cheek. Oh my days. Chills went down my spine as I blushed slightly.

Chase and I walked towards a group of his mates. "So this must be the girlfriend then?" One said wriggling his eyebrows as I smiled. "Yes this is y/n." He told them. "Nice to meet you y/n I'm Chris." He said. I got introduced to some more of them. They're all so nice.

We all hung out for a little while before taking a seat at our designated tables. Everyone was having a laugh and a good chat. I knew two of the people (Chase's mates) here on our table. Dylan was sat there across from us with his girlfriend and there was Noah with his. I smiled at them all.

Minutes passed and people came over to chat to us all. Some jokes were made which were funny and not so funny. This was a good night but it was becoming too much for me. "I'm sorry but I have to go." I told Chase. He was confused. All of the ones sat at our table and near us looked at me. I grabbed my purse and left the building. Footsteps were heard behind me. "Y/n? Where are you going?" He asked. "Home Chase." I said back. "Why?" He asked as he caught up with me. I stopped walking. "Because I can't be here anymore." I admitted. "Did I do something?" He asked. "Why does it even matter to you?" I asked and began to walk again.

Chase grabbed my arm. "Tell me please. I might be able to help." He told me. "Chase you don't even realise do you. I fell for you. I told myself not to but it happened." I exclaimed as the tears fell. "I need to go home and think about all this." I sobbed wiping my tears away as I walked away. I called an Uber and got home safely.

A/n: part 2?

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