Harries - some help

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Your POV:
I placed my son in his pram while I got the remaining things ready to go see my dad. My dads a lifeguard down at bondi.

There was quite a few people there so I just waited a little. I knocked on the blue door and it soon opened. "Hey how can I help?" The kind guy asked. "Umm is Harries there?" I asked hoping he would be. "No but he's just over there." The guy said pointing over to where he was. I thanked him and made my way over. "Dad?" I said as he turned around to face me. My eyes filled with tears as I hadn't seen him in so long.

His face lit up when he saw me. "Y/n?!" He exclaimed. We hugged. "Sorry guys please excuse me." He told them walking away with me. We stopped as the two of us found a bench to sit on so we did. I looked out at the water. "Dad meet your grandson Koa." I smiled making him tear up. "Oh my. Isn't he just the cutest." He exclaimed making me giggle a little. "How old?" He asked. "A month now." I smiled. "Wow." He smiled.

We spoke some more like how I didn't visit sooner and things like that then we got on the topic of my now ex and Koa's dad. "So what happened between you both? I haven't seen you since you were nearly about to pop." He asked. I sighed. "He left me. He was there during the whole pregnancy until the last month when I found out he'd been cheating on me this whole time. I couldn't deal with him so I let him go and had my beautiful son by myself." I explained. Harries hugged me tightly. "You're a great mum to Koa. He's lucky to have you." He told me making me smile.

We got up and began to walk. "Please come over and visit. Emma and the kids will be happy to see you and finally meet this little man." He said stroking Koa's cheek. "Definitely." I said as we walked back towards the tower. "How about tomorrow? I'm free and so are the others. It'll be perfect." He suggested. "Sure why not. I'm not doing anything." I replied. "Great. I'll pick you up but I'll text you later." Dad said.

We shared a quick hug and he said goodbye to his grandson. "Good to see you both. See you tomorrow." Dad said kissing the top of my head before we separated our own ways. I always know I can count on him.

A/n: comment some bondi imagines books that I can read?

Also for you all to read as well so feel free to link (comment) your books below so we can all read them!

Bondi Rescue Imagines - BOOK 2Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt