Lachie - shark attack

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Your POV:
It was my day off from working but my boyfriend Lachie had to work. We both headed down to the beach. Lachie had work and I was going for a surf. "Be safe out there." He said kissing me slowly after. We said bye before I headed down to the water.

I paddled out and caught some waves here and there. I love surfing. I spent a good hour or so out in the surf. I was sat on my board for a bit just to take on the view of bondi. It's a beautiful place. I felt instant pain. "Ahhhh!" I screamed out looking down. I felt something tugging at my leg. I tried kicking it off and soon felt a release (within seconds). A surfer came to my rescue. I pulled my leg up onto my board.

My leg was covered in blood. I couldn't see if the bit was massive or small. The surfer looked around. "What do you think it was?" He asked. "Shark?!" I exclaimed nearly crying in pain as it was painful. Somehow the word "Shark" travel to the beach alerting everyone and the lifeguards. Soon the shark alarm went off giving me chills. It always gives me chills when it goes off.

Lachie's POV:
I was in the tower when it all happened. I was panicking myself. The shark alarm was going off.

*jackson to bondi central... there has been a potential shark sighting and an attack*

Y/n was out there. I hope she's ok.

*y/n's out there!*

*we'll find her*

I sighed rubbing my hands across my face trying not to panic.

*jackson to central... its y/n*

My heart sank. I stood up and wanted to scream. "Lachie she'll be ok." Reidy said calming me down.

*we're on our way down with the first aid kit for you*

I ran to the medical part of the tower and collected what we needed.

Your POV:
My heart was racing as they pulled me to shore. They helped me up the sand and far away from the water. The shark alarm was going off still. It was only a small shark but my god that hurt.

Jackson came running over with Luke and Hoppo. Jethro following after. I saw a rhino speeding through the crowds of people. Lachie was in the rhino. "Y/n?!" Lachie exclaimed. He got down on his knees holding my hand. "How big was the shark?" Hoppo asked looking down at me. "It wasn't a big one I would say about a meter maybe a little bigger." I said wincing at the pain as they cleaned the bite.

This isn't how I wanted my day to go/end. "We've called an ambo for you and they'll be here any minute." Jethro said. I nodded my head. "Thanks." I sighed rubbing my hands across my face. "Let's get you up to the tower." Jackson said with a small smile. I wrapped an arm around Lachie and Jackson's shoulders.

The two of them helped me up onto the rhino. Lachie sat with me. I rested my head against his shoulder as we got taken up to the tower. Just as we got there the ambo arrived. The crew helped me onto the stretcher and helped me into the ambo. "I'll meet you at the hospital y/n." Lachie said. I nodded my head. "Text me." He said before they shut the doors and took me to the hospital.

A/n: I wrote a Jethro imagine which was supposed to be in front of this one but it didn't save 😩 so I'm gonna have to rewrite it aha.

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