Joel - playing around

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Your POV:
There was a knock at the door. It was my sister, Danielle and her two kids, Dallas and River (love those names 😍 thanks for picking them out). "Come in." I smiled letting the kids run in. Dallas is 10 and River is 8. "JOEL?!" Dallas exclaimed as he saw Joel walk into the room. "What's up buddy?" Joel said. "I love coming here." He mentioned making us all laugh. River came over for a hug. "How's the princess?" Joel asked. River hid behind her mums leg. "I'm good." She said. She's shy. Joel and Danielle shared a hug. Then Danielle and I shared one. "How have you been?" I asked her. "Yeah good. Busy with work and looking after these two." She said. "You know if you ever need an extra pair of hands Joel and I are always happy to come help you." I explained. "Thank you. That will help out so much." She said hugging me again.

River was sat at the table with Danielle and I as we were doing some arts and crafts whereas Joel and Dallas were playing video games. "Y/n?" Dallas asked. I turned my attention to him. "Yes." I replied. "What do you love the most about Joel?" He asked making them all face me. I smiled. "Ooo that's a tough one Dallas. I would have to say everything. I love everything about Joel." I said making Dallas chuckle. "But if you could choose one thing what would it be?" He asked. Joel and I made eye contact. "I would say his smile." I smiled. "What do you like about Joel?" I asked. "How funny he is." Dallas laughed making us all chuckle.

Seeing Joel play with Dallas and River made my heart melt. Danielle walked over to me. "Joel is so good with kids." Danielle said. I smiled. "He really is. Honestly he'll make a great dad." I said not taking my eyes off of him. "Have you two spoke about kids yet?" She asked. I shook my head. "Kind of but not a lot." I said. "Well here's something to make you smile. The kids love Joel. Especially Dallas. He loves hanging with Joel. He makes them happy." She told me. My heart melted. "Really?" I asked. She nodded. "Dallas is always asking when he can come over to visit." Dani said making me laugh a little. So cute.

Time went on and soon it was time for them to go. "Come on kids time to go home." Danielle said to the pair of them. "Aw but I want to stay here. Please Auntie y/n." River exclaimed. "As much as I would love you here maybe next time you're around you could ask mummy to stay over for a sleepover." I suggested. "Mum can we?" Dallas asked. "We'll see." She smiled. "Bye Joel!" Dallas said as he hugged Joel. "Bye Dallas." Joel said back. River gave him a hug then walked back over to her mum. She was still shy in front of Joel. It's cute in a way. The three of them left. "You really make them happy." I told him as we hugged. "Do I?" He asked pulling back. "Yeah Danielle told me." I smiled. Joel blushed a little. "You'll make a great dad someday." I smiled at him as we walked.

A/n: feel free to leave ideas below or anything (:

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