Maxi - buggies

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Your POV:
Maxi, Mouse, Jethro and I were all sat next to each other in the rhinos down at south end. It was a busy day down at bondi. The 4 of us were chatting and having a laugh while we looked out into the water.

*central to one of the buggies*

We all reached for our radios.

*in front of the tower there's about 4 swimmers*

Mouse and I headed off first. Mouse talked into his radio. Maxi and Jethro were shortly following behind.

*we are en route*

I just thought we would be directing some swimmers towards the flags but as we got closer I knew this was more than directing them to the flags. "Go for it!" I said to mouse as he jumped out grabbing his board. He went in first followed by us 3 who were shortly behind him.

We paddled out towards them and got to them before they drowned completely. The rip was closer than I thought. We got stuck. "Great." I muttered under my breath so the person I rescued didn't get scared or anything. Jethro was metres away luckily. "JETHRO!" I shouted. He turned seeing I was in trouble. For his safety he stayed where he was but directed me out of the rip. Even though I could've done it myself I just needed that extra set of eyes for help. I managed to get the final person back to shore with a little help from Jethro.

The lovely person thanked me and the others got thanked by the rest. Jethro walked up besides me. "Thank you." I said pulling my board. "No problem." He smiled as we walked to the buggies. Maxi handed me my shirt back. "Thank you." I smiled at him. "You did great out there babe." Maxi said as he gave me a side hug. That was a though rescue.

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