Chapter 32

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Seth POV:

Minutes pass by in silence, a long, torturous way where my guts swarm in desperation. I glance at Dean's blue eyes that are glued to me before focusing on the road once more. I feel my heart plummet down my stomach.

Seeing the concern in his eyes gets all the emotions that I have bottled up in my system, screaming for a way out, for a way to be liberated and be heard. I massage my temple again and lean against the window, trying to fizzle down.

"Where are you taking me, anyway?" He asks, making sure I'm comfortable with his question.

"I don't know just yet." And that is honest to God's truth. I have no idea where I'm going. The idea to take him for an excursion come out of nowhere. I figure I will keep on driving until I find the right spot or calm myself down, or both.

He turns around abruptly and catches my gaze, "What?!"

Without even looking at him, I know he is quirking an eyebrow at me. "Please, don't ask questions to me until I drop the car." I shied away, feeling the top of my cheeks go warm before focusing on the road ahead.

"Well, okay then." He mumbles and looks out the window, leaning his head against it.

I flex my fingers on the steering wheel and lose myself in the silence that envelope us. I keep on driving until I notice a small cliff in the distance going off the side of the main road. It looks nice and secluded, providing us with the privacy that we need.

I drive the car up to the cliff, but he elicits no reaction. I park the car and get out of it without a prelude. I look around and take in the surroundings. The cliff overlooks a valley darkened by the nighttime.

The sky is illuminated by moonlight and scatter, shining stars. A nice, fresh, summery breeze invades my nostrils and appeases my mind. I'm able to finally, truly breathe.

I sit on the hood of the car, my feet dangling in front of me, my fingers are interlace between my thighs. I allow myself to enjoy the calmness of the moment. It's only a minute or so later that I feel the hood dip beside me.

I close my eyes and recall the confession that has happened earlier, thinking about it. "Did you mean it?" I ask finally, scaring a bit about my decision of getting into his life.

He blinks his eyes and grabs my hand. "Mean what?" He doesn't understand what I'm asking, so I just tense about it before explaining it to him.

I exhale and open my eyes, darting all over his face. "You will take care of me if I leave everything behind.." I mumble, soothing his hand.

He nods and presses a sweet kiss on my lips. "Yeah, I mean it. I'll do anything for you. Even if I haven't enough money, I'm sure I'll take care of you good. I'll give you everything that you wish in your life." He pecks my lips again and tucks my hair behind my ear.

I smile weakly and lean my head on his shoulder, taking a deep breath. "Then take me somewhere, Dean. Somewhere away from this place, people and everything. I don't want to live a scary life. If you have space in your heart, please keep me there and lock it, making sure no one will get me.."

He lifts my head and stares into my eyes, trying to know whether I'm telling the truth. He still doesn't ask questions about what has happened, so I'm thankful for it. The back of his hand moves up to caress the side of my face gently, pulling it toward him.

The pads of his fingers trace my bottom lip, a touch so feather-light that my eyes flutter shut. When I open them, I meet nothing but pure warmth radiating from his eyes. We stare at each other in utter silence and lose ourselves in our eyes.

"I won't ask the reason behind this sudden confession because I want this... I want you!" He leans forward and plants a soft, lingering kiss on my lips. "I love you," He mumbles and presses himself against my side, slinging an arm around my waist.

I settle my head on his shoulder and blurt out, "I wish everything is simple as this." I hope everything will be fine soon. When I'm with him, I feel like he is the only thing that matters to me.

It felt like I would give up everything else for this moment, and that should be terrifying, but looking at him now, it just made everything less uncertain, so much clearer. The fear left my body when we embraced each other.

The place may be sillier, but it gives me the best gift that I haven't dreamed of in my life. Like the earth belongs to me as much as I belong to it. That indescribable feeling of rightness and home!

Mom was right! Being stay with the one that is close to our heart is really special! If this insignificant moment gives me happiness, I'm sure the life that I'm going to have with him will be pleasant.

"I never thought I could feel like this about anyone. It feels like knock the breath out of me every single time. Just like a punch to the heart, but in a good way." I sound crazy when I try to talk about what I feel for him, so that's why I haven't done most of the time.

He turns to look at me for a moment before reaching out and brushing my hair back with his hand. He leans over and presses his mouth to mine in a brief but lingering kiss. "I'm gonna love you forever." He says, summing it all up more succinctly and eloquently than I can ever with a million words.

I smile and grab his hand, keeping it in mine. I feel safe as I embrace in his arms, so I lean closer to him and tangle my legs with his, watching the stars and enjoying the moment that belongs to us.

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