Chapter 78

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Seth POV:

My eyes are fluttering open and searching for Dean when I feel the presence of him wandering around the room. The time on the clock read sometime past midnight. Hell, it can be 2 in the morning, but all I know is that I'm awake now. It's not a big problem because I'm still in a sleepy mood.

I want to greet him and to ask about his important job, but my eyes are blurry. Every incomplete and unfocused image gathers through a narrow crack in my lids and finding that he's hiding some file in a drawer. I guess, wanting to surprise me, he puts the file related to a property of the bar in the drawer.

Having a smile on my face, I soothe the space beside me and watch him blindly. My eyelids are too heavy, the grains of sleep gruff in my eyes, and I drift away again even before he comes for the bed.

My brown eyes flutter open the following morning when the sunlight floods the quiet room. I flinch when I feel the muscular arm wrap around my waist. I glance down and place my hand on it before turning my attention to my boyfriend.

A smile curls on my lips when I see the gorgeous man ever who has slept beside me. I watch him lovingly until he rolls over onto his other side, facing away from me. With an inaudible sigh, I silently slide out of the bed and land on the soft floor with a dull thud.

Ruffling my hair lazily, I stand straight up, stretching my long arms high above my head and letting out a silent yawn before making my way toward the bathroom. Freshening up quickly, I return to the room and walk over to the closet, pulling out a pair of gym shorts, a t-shirt, and a pair of joggers.

I drop the items onto the bed and start to get changed quickly. Sitting on the edge of the bed, I plan the day's schedule and try to keep everything in mind. Before starting it, I have to find my wallet if I want anything to buy on the way of jogging.

I search my wallet on the bedside table and find it's not there. I remembered I had put it there the day before. Nah! I groan and slap the back of my head when I remember I put my wallet on the table, not a bedside table!

I walk over to the table and check the drawer, finding my wallet. As I get the wallet, I spot a couple of files seclude here. Then I remembered Dean put these files here last night before coming to bed. A smile curls on my lips as I guess it might be the property of the bar.

While excitement bubbling up in my chest, I slip the wallet into my pocket and turn my focus effectively to the files. I grab them and look over them before turning to glance at Dean and giving him a sad face for ruining the surprise.

Opening the file curiously, I lose my happiness and stare at it. The excitement in my system flies in the air as I flip each page and read the contents. Shockingly, I stumble against the table and stare at him, not knowing how to handle the situation.

Dean POV:

"Ouch!" The sun begins to peek through the curtains when I wake up grumpy from a suddenly fitful sleep. There is still another hour and a half before I really have to be awake, up and moving, rousing Seth from sleep, but it seems I'm not about to spend that precious time resting.

My back is hurting. It isn't like the dull throb of a nasty fall on the job last night, where the unbroken expanse of my shoulders and hips has felt like one enormous bruise. The pain is sharp, narrowing down only to my shoulder blades like someone has pinned them with knives.

I grunt as I roll from my back, propping myself on my elbows and glaring at the neon green numbers of the digital alarm clock on the bedside table through my sleep bleary eyes. It's 7.35 am.

I sigh quietly so as not to wake him and shim out of bed. That's when I notice he's not here with me on the bed. Where would he go? Maybe he's in the kitchen or living room, trying to work out today's plan. That would be great as well because he didn't know what I was into last night.

Holding my back gently, I slip into the bathroom and close the door behind me. Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I lean slightly and snatch the pill bottle out from the shelf, wincing as my shoulders stretched, and the pain raced to spread across them.

When I straighten and actually look at myself in the mirror, I jump, startled. The minute that I catch the sight of my reflection, I freeze, plan lost, any traces of sleep evaporating completely.

I slowly reach up and comb my fingers through my hair, from root to end. My hand comes away with many soft, downy feathers that it looks like a pillow has exploded over my head. Feathers?! Did my pillow have a tear in it somewhere?

I shake out my hair for good measure, and a shocking amount of the tiny white feathers come tumbling from it, dancing to the floor around my bare feet. Grumbling under my breath, I unscrew the bottle cap and down the pill dry. I reach back then, rubbing grimly at my aching shoulder blades, and suddenly freeze.

Grimacing as I stretch my arm further to reach, I feel an icy sensation creeping up my spine as my fingers ghosting over a lump jutting from my shoulder. It is sensitive to the touch, feels rubbery and smooth, roughly about the size of an egg, and feels as though it has embraced in the same downy feathers that I've found stuck in my hair.

My heartbeat skips frantically, my still sleep mind cloud with fatigue and fear of what the hell is that, and I purse my lips tightly as I slowly turn in the mirror. It is kind of gross, actually, the fleshy little stumps that stick out from my shoulder blades like twisted knots.

Despite being covered in the tiny feathers, I can see the way they graft perfectly into the rest of my skin. There is a little pink like new skin tends to be. But how have they gotten there? Did I fall such badly last night?

Recalling the incident slightly, I groan and lean against the wall. At least I know where the pain is coming from. Being so caught up in my thoughts, I have realized nothing until my phone buzzes and gets my attention.

I rush out to the room and look for my phone, knowing well who it might be. I attend the call and listen to what Roman is up to before opening the drawer and looking for the files. My eyes widen when I find the files are not there.

Hanging up the phone quickly, I kneel and look into the drawer, checking the things clearly. I knew I put the files here, but it was not here now. Where has it gone? Absentmindedly rubbing my shoulder, I run out of the room and search for Seth, wanting to figure out whether he put the files somewhere.

"Seth," I search for him in the complete house, but he's nowhere near being found. Where would he go this morning without informing me?

Suddenly, something on the coffee table gets into my sight and makes me consider it. I walk over to it slowly and grab the piece of paper, looking over it. Letting out a sigh, I read the note and gawk at it blankly.

"I'm sorry!" - Seth

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