Chapter 59

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Dean POV:

When I reach my friend's house, I let Seth chat with Ronda and pick Roman with me to establish a conference with the bar owner. Usually, I'm not good at this type of thing, so he can manage it. I hope the owner of the bar will accept to give his property to me this time.

After talking to him for an hour, he's finally admitting to decide on one condition: That I have to work there for a month. If my work is better than him, he will hand his property to me. It looks stupid, but he is a weird man.

Thanking Roman, I hug him and decide to return to his house. It takes a while for us to get on the highway because there's heavy traffic. Sighing frustratedly, I lean back on the seat and close my eyes, trying to drift off.

I should've known when my day continues off with a hand waving me awake, he looking at me uncomfortably and anxiously once my vision focuses. "Your phone's ringing." He tells me, trying his attention back on the road.

I lean straight quickly and run a hand through my hair, taking my phone out. I squint at the screen, not that surprised when I see it's Seth. No one else will call me at this time because I have promised him earlier to take him out for lunch. I stare at the dashboard for a second and realize it's 1 pm.

"Oh!" I answer the phone and drop back against the headrest. "Hey, what's up?"

"Guess who broke their promise?" He sounds pissed, tired, and, if I can guess, he's hungry. "Are you on the highway?"

"Yeah, sorry. I would-" I try to convince Seth, but he cuts me off by saying, "You know what? Having a belief in you, I've stopped Ronda from preparing lunch and convinced her that we will go on a double date."

"What?!" I blink my eyes awake, putting the phone on speaker and letting Roman hear what's going on. "So you two are waiting for us with your empty tummy!"

"Yeah." He frowns, sounding more subdued when he talks again. "Come home fast." With that, he hangs up the phone and lets me stare at the road for a while before turning over to face Roman.

After a few minutes, we reach his house and pick our lovers to go on a date to a restaurant. The date goes on fantastic because I have gotten alcohol as much as I want, so I love every part of it. I wish every day shall be like this, super cute. Once we have made our day really good, I take Seth and wave a hand at my friends to say goodbye before directing our way back.

When we reach our house, I lay on the couch and drift off slowly while he's running to our room. A few minutes later, I jolt awake and flutter my eyes slowly as he's wandering around and huffing out all of these curses under his breath as he struggles to find his shoes. Why does he need shoes now?

"Where are you going?" I ask, still having the half hangover and can't find to help him, actually.

"I put a bit of weight after having lunch, so I think to take a run will help now." He's hopping around, and the jeans he has on are amazing, hugging his butt just enough to make it easy for me to leer at it.

I almost want to ask why he's even thinking about leaving the house in those jeans because the only thing on my mind is the multiple routes of having him now. I lick my lips before biting at my bottom lip, shifting to roll over. It just has to be a moment that he turns to look at me, and I hear him snort softly before I'm getting smacked in the face with a shirt. How do I not notice that he is shirtless still? My eyes drag slowly up his bare torso before they reach his face.

He is looking down at me with an arched brow, throwing his shirt over his shoulder. "Have you seen my shoes? I just put it to the door in like 15 minutes, but it's not there now." He's saying to me, but I lose myself in admiring him. "I know you're probably tired and wanting to sleep, but it's not important now. If I want to reduce my weight and look beautiful, I need to find my shoes."

I give a soft groan instead of an immediate response, burying my face into the couch and rolling onto my stomach. I look up at the younger man and hook one of my fingers into his jean pocket. "You're so needy and loud," I huff out, whining as he moves just out of my reach and throws anything that is on the floor at me. "They're in the kitchen! I threw them over there a few minutes ago! Stop throwing things at me, baby!"

He is pleased to have gotten an answer and is disappearing, leaving me to shake off all the things that have been thrown at me and staying lay down. I guess I dozed off again at some point because the next thing I know, he's all dressed and ready to go. I only realize this because he's tapping me on the jaw and telling me not to drool on the couch, that he's back later.

It's as he's walking away, but I grab his wrist and tug him back some. "Where's my goodbye kiss?" I ask, a smirk coming onto my lips as I flop onto my side and then onto my back again.

He raises his brow nonetheless and moves closer, leaning down at me. Our lips are so close, and I can feel every breath that he's exhaling. I lick my lips, eyes flickering down to his, then back up to brown eyes. He has a bit of a smile on his lips. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?" He asks, his voice just a tad lower than typical.

"You knew I would," I murmur back and watch his eyes flash with desire, if only for a moment before he's straightening up again. Just like that, the moment's dead, and I sigh, scratching my stomach as I release his hand. "Be careful."

"Okay," He replies, patting my cheek before exiting the house. And I feel utterly displeased with how that turns out. I hate tiptoeing over this shit. Damn it.

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