Chapter 3

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Roman POV:

I groan and take the pillow to hide my face, not wanting to get up from the bed. I growl in annoyance because I'm nowhere near happy to be hearing my phone ringing at this late night.

Blindly, I let my hand heavily slaps the tabletop until I find the phone. I squint at the screen as I pull it back to answer the call. "Dean, what the hell? It's 2.15 am." My heart is lurching in my chest as I think about him. I hope he is safe somewhere if he's not here.

I hear him whining through the phone, "Get up, man. Just open the fucking door, or I'll knock it until your neighbors knock the door for me!"

"What? Are you standing outside?" I ask, throwing the blanket away and getting up from the bed. I don't know why on earth he torments me in my sleep whenever I have a glorious dream with my girlfriend!

"Yeah, come on. Let me in." He says and hangs up the phone. I can hear him knocking on the door violently this time. I'm sure he will make me stand in front of the neighbors with my head down in the morning if I don't let him in.

I open the door and give him space to get in. I sniff the air and frown when I sense something smells different. "Why do you smell like coffee?" I ask skeptically, as I sweep my wavy black locks into a ponytail.

He groans as he pulls his coffee-stained hoodie off of him. He mutters, throwing it on the floor without caring where it lands. "It's a long story, man." If it's very long to discuss this time, I don't want to hear it.

I shrug and close the door behind us, watching him go to the guest room that is his since we know each other. "Night, Dean," I tell him as I step into the stairs and see him wave a hand in return without turning back.

I return to my room to continue my peaceful sleep after being interrupted. I hope I can take asleep without getting disturbed by anyone again. I lay on the bed and close my eyes to drift into sleep.

I open my eyes slowly when I hear a shrill sound of an alarm going off in the morning. I groan and roll off the bed, exciting to go to the gym. I use the bathroom to freshen up quickly and get ready for a black tank top and gray shorts.

I go to my friend's room and tell him where I'm going before leaving the house. The gym is almost empty when I get inside, but I don't care because it's always like this by the time I'm arriving. I rub the sleep out of my eyes and make sure that I'm looking good.

I walk over to the treadmill as I look around, expecting the pretty girl somewhere near me, but she doesn't. I let out a frustrated sigh and start to run my warm down mile. I check the time on my phone eventually to know whether Dean is calling me.

After a few minutes, I turn off the machine and slow to a walk as it powers down. A small smile forms on my face as I see Ronda walking toward me with a towel and disinfectant to clean the machine.

"Hey!" I whisper breathlessly as I see her finally before leaving the gym with a disappointed face. "You don't need to do that." I smile at her as she wipes down the machine for me. She works here since February, so we have talked to each other friendly.

She gives a beautiful smile to me and continues doing her work, "It's fine. I've been watching you check your phone over and over lately. You got a big date?"

"No, just checking if my friend calls me," I say and think whether to ask what's on her mind about me. "If you wish, we can go on a date. What do you say?" I ask, waiting for her answer. By her expression, I think she has no interest in me.

"I have work now, so I don't want to dream about anything and get distracted." She says honestly. Her smile says that she likes my idea, but I don't know why she doesn't give me a chance. I still can't guess her clearly whether she likes me or not.

"Okay, I get it," I reply and grab the bottle to drink some water. I need to go home and help Dean before he comes to search for me here. I drop the bottle down and wave a hand at her with a frustrated look. "Bye, see you later." 

I feel lightheaded as she waves a hand back at me before continuing her work. I sigh and get in the car, hoping he doesn't mess with the neighbors until I reach the house. On the way, I call some of my other friends and try to get help from them to find out about Vince's grandson.

Dean POV:

I try to find Vince's grandson with Roman's help, but it doesn't get success. We got few details about McMahon's Enterprise, but we didn't get anything about Vince's grandson. I think he's lucky, but his luck doesn't last long. I don't know how we will reach him, but I want to play this game, on myself, to make my dad proud.

I feel bored reading the information repeatedly that has been provided by Roman's other friends. I'm proud of him, but my dad doesn't proud of me if I sit here quietly and give all my work to him, especially this.

I sigh and get up from the couch to go outside but stop when I hear his voice from behind, "If you knock at the door in the middle of the night, I won't open the door again, so think about it before going out."

I don't give a damn about his words, so I step out to get over the evening. It's the only way I calm my frustrating soul and encourage me to take the next step. I have no destination in my mind, so I utterly drive the car all over the place until the sky turns into the dark.

The night has been not only dark but also stormy, just like the day before. I stop the car in the bar to buy some drinks and get out of it quickly, not wanting to stay out in the cold.

I pull the hood up over my head as I walk to my car. I try my best to avoid the puddles in the parking lot, preferring to keep my achy feet dry, but I'm not lucky. I curse under my breath as my foot sinks into a deep puddle, soaking both my shoe and sock.

Now I have to deal with a soggy shoe and a wet fucking foot on the way home. "How fucking lovely!" I mutter to myself. With a quick click of a button, I unlock the car and slip inside. I start the car and drive to Roman's place as the rain gets heavy. How did I never think about it when I left the house?

As I drive the car fast, I feel something is wrong and find the engine is automatically getting slow. I want to check it out, but I can't do it in the middle of the rain, so I stop the car on the sideway before the engine dies.

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