Chapter 54

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Dean POV:

After having breakfast, I stare at Seth, who's unwrapping his grandfather's gifts excitedly and humming about it. Watching his childishness warm my heart, but something behind it itching me to figure out the reason. I need to know about it, but I'm sure he'll take me wrong if I involve his grandfather directly into it.

I bite my lip nervously and glance at him, hoping he will start some argument related to this. Making my guess right, he walks over to me with one of the gifts and sits on my lap with it.

"Look at this jacket, Dean. It's outstanding, right?" He asks, showing it over my face. He might not recognize the visual in it, but I can understand what it symbolizes. The jacket resembles Vince McMahon's mentality because it has a picture of him and my baby with 'McMahon Kingdom' engraved in it.

Not saying a word, I grin at Seth and show thumbs up at him because he can't understand all this. But why don't I have to try? Shaking my head, I grab the jacket from him and place it on the coffee table. "It'll be even better if I'm with you there." I try to pretend that it's just a joke, but it works out.

The expression on his face changes as he looks up at me with guilty. "Hey, nothing to worry about. You knew if you were there in the jacket, you couldn't be with me now in my arms." He jokes back, trying to smoothen the situation.

Letting the seriousness go away in the air, I rest my head on my shoulder and wrap my arms around his waist. "Yeah. But I would cover your body with mine if I were in the jacket whenever you were trying." I'm just good at flirting and willing to let him figure it out. And then we're back to where we are as he gives a laugh and changes the subject again.

I really wish that he doesn't change the subject so often. We could actually get somewhere with all of this if we proceeded to stay on the same damn point. But, we've never done, and thus, here we are.

He's about to get up from my lap, but I grab his hand and stare at him in the eyes. The moment goes lasting, but the world ceases its spinning and brings us back to the same page. Suddenly it flips by the air when the knock on the door is heaving and letting us glance at it.

"I'm coming," He says and moves to open the door, finding that my friend and his girlfriend are visiting us.

He greets them inside with a small smile and throws himself on the couch, almost putting half of his weight over my body. "Hey," He waves a hand at Ronda and grins at her. He's somewhat getting close to her after our last meeting in Roman's house.

"Hey, don't you prefer anything to us?" She asks, smirking at him.

"Oh, sorry. I'll be back." He says, getting up from the couch and running over to the kitchen.

While he's disappearing, I chat with Roman about important things because I don't get time if my baby is entertaining here. When Seth returns to the hall, he hands cookies to Ronda that I have made for Christmas.

She gets the cookies happily and takes a bite at them before covering her mouth with her hand and running over to the bathroom. A few minutes later, she appears again with a growl on her face. "It's horrible. Your cookies made me threw up!" She shouts, shaking her head.

"That's odd; you're the first to say that!" I scream, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Oh, please, shut up, Dean!" He scolds, resting his hands on his hips. "We were witness to her throwing up. It's all your fault." He then turns his attention to her and tries to comfort her. "Sorry. If I was prepared cookies, it wouldn't happen."

"Yeah, it wouldn't happen. But you were admitted to a hospital in serious condition." I tease his cooking at her, and it makes her laugh loudly. Anyway, I was telling the truth.

"I'll kill you." He mutters, glaring at me. With tedious difficulty, he rolls his eyes and sits beside me, laying his head on my shoulder.

Minutes pass by hour by the time that they are sharing their trip to Hawaii with us. Together we lay on the couch while the other lovebirds sit opposite to us, feet popping up. "And that was ridiculous. You knew all too well that she was a boring girl. We were constantly on the run so she could see the island!" Roman mumbles, but he has got a cheerful smile on his face.

"Oh, come on, Ro. Your face said that pure joy after the beach walks!" I say, trying to bring more from him.

He groans, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and brushing her hair back. "That wasn't the hike. We saw freaking baby turtles."

I look up at him with wide eyes and stroke my beard, "Baby! Turtles! Give me baby turtles every day, and I will never complain again!" I shift my baby's weight on my body a bit to lean straight again after my arm is about to fall asleep.

"So you didn't see a baby turtle before?" He asks and assumes the answer without I'm saying by the sad look on my face.

I shake my head at once. "No, if I fucking held a baby turtle, I would steal some of them and teach them to become ninja turtles!"

Roman rolls his eyes and laughs at me. "You know what, the longer you two are together, the more you sound like Seth!"

Seth and I turn our heads, just to look at each other, but then shake our heads and say simultaneously, "Nah!" That is the point all of us burst into laughter.

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