Chapter 14

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Dean POV:

If someone had invited me anywhere, it would have been because of Roman. We look nothing alike, but we agree we are brothers in spirit if not by blood, and woe betides the fuckers who try to say otherwise. Now no one has invited me, but I'm planning to go to McMahon's Enterprise on my own.

"Maybe that Seth guy you like will be there," Roman suggests as I get ready in my usual outfit.

"Doubt it, but I really wish he shouldn't be there," I say with a shrug, not wanting my baby will be there. Today I'm going there for my dad to get any details about Vince McMahon's office to dump it, not in a loving mood. If I see Seth there, I will forget my work and go behind him like a lovesick puppy. And I don't want that now.

What if he would be there? I imagine him in a black suit with a crisp white button-up shirt underneath the jacket accompanied by a skinny black tie. His hair is pulled back into a low ponytail. And fuck am I tenting already?

I look down at myself, unaware that Roman is doing the same. "Picturing him in there already, huh? I doubt whether you will do the job right." He says, not taking his eyes off my crotch.

"I'll do the job right, so you need not worry about it," I say weakly, turning my lower body away from him. "Let's just pretend it doesn't happen and give me the details about the company."

He shrugs and takes his phone out, giving me the details. "McMahon's Enterprise owns by billionaire Vince McMahon. He has a daughter, Stephanie McMahon, and he raises her son as his heir. You know his name already. Normal-" I cut him off by saying, "Seth Rollins."

He takes a long breath and holds his head dramatically, "You can't do anything if you still think about him."

I grit my teeth irritatedly and look at myself in the mirror. "Sorry. Just continue.."

He sighs and continues saying, not wanting to get angry at me. "Normal ass business but clearly something under it behind this minimal profile of an enterprise. Strong security in all the facilities. Huge ass building in the heart of New York." He pats my shoulder and nods at me.

I pull my jacket on, slapping my jaw a couple of times. "I think I'll make it." I give a half-nod to him and look at myself in the mirror again.

I wave a hand at him and get out of the house. I get in the car and drive it to McMahon's Enterprise. After a few minutes, I reach there and get out of the truck, encouraging myself. I sigh and look over at the McMahon skyscraper.

I need to be careful and make sure not to blow my cover. As I walk inside, I notice Seth's car in the driveway. I don't want to halt my work for him and dream about him, so I walk further inside.

"Excuse me, young lady. I'm expected by Mr. Seth Rollins." I flash a smile at the girl behind the reception counter. I know my work will be even easy if I mention Seth's name, not Vince McMahon's name.

She smiles and types something on the computer before grabbing the phone. I'm sure she will call Seth and make sure he is expecting me. "Name, please." She asks me as she talks on the phone.

"Jon Moxley." I lie to her because if she tells my actual name to him, he won't allow me to wander around this building. And typically, I use this name for all the work that my dad wants me to do.

She asks my name again, but I repeat the same. She talks to him a few minutes before allowing me to go to his room. "Ah yes, Mr. Moxley. Mr. Rollins is in his office right now. The security will frisk you down first, then when you are declared clean, you will be escorted up to the top floor."

"Wow, pretty strong security. Making my life hard, eh? Fine then." I think to myself and look at her, "Well, okay then, let's get to business, shall we." I clap my hands together. It will be a challenging task, but what fun will be there if it's not.

The securities check me for any weapons or illegal things but find none, so they make our way up without any problems. And once we arrive on the top floor, they leave me to do my own thing.

I stand here and memorize where everything is. Check out the scenery and calculate the timing and cameras. It's my usual thing to capture everything and take out all the details. I walk further into the unfamiliar area and take everything in mind.

I wander around for any details without going to Seth's office because my aim is not there to go now. When I'm about to enter Mr. Levesque's office, I see Seth coming here with a bowl of grapes in his hand.

He stops on his way when he sees me here. "What are you doing here?" He asks and looks around the surrounding, making sure no one is looking at us.

"Well, I'm expected by Mr. Seth Rollins," I say with a smirk and make my way to Seth's office.

"What?!" He asks and grabs my hand from behind. He looks at me, confused, still not getting what I'm talking about.

"Well, I'm Jon Moxley," I say and cross my arms over my chest.

"You fucker!" He grits his teeth and shoves at my shoulder.

I capture his hand in my own and poke my tongue out. "Yeah, baby. It's my job in our relationship." I grin at him hard and see the nervousness in his body.

He shakes his head and makes his way to his office without minding me. I follow him and get inside his office. He frowns and sits on the table while planting his legs on the chair.

"What's the matter, Dean?" He asks and picks a grape from the bowl, eating it.

"Hmm?" I stare at his lips as it moves sweetly. I'm really a slave for his lips because it literally begs me to kiss them. I move toward him slowly as he is busy tasting the grapes.

His eyes widen when he sees me closer to him. Before he swallows the grape, I lurch forward and press my lips onto him while grabbing either side of his face. I feel him tense up underneath me as a soft moan spills from the base of his throat, causing his lips to separate long enough for me to slip my tongue inside.

He pushes me away when I move my hands to rest them on his hips. He coughs and tries to catch his breath as he sees me. I chew the grape that I have taken from his mouth and swallow it, licking my lips.

He opens his mouth to say something but stops for some reason and gets out of his office. I watch him leave as I sit at the table and eat the remaining grapes he has left. Shall I follow him? Or shall I go to his house tonight?

Ambrollins : Be My BabyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora