Chapter 6

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Dean POV:

I feel exhausted, so I rub the back of my neck and stare at the road boringly. I don't appreciate the song which is playing on the radio, so I stop it. I look around and find a small coffee shop in the corner.

I stop the car and get out of it to go inside the shop. I order a cold coffee and get a mug from the barrister before finding a spot to sit. As I make my way to the spot that I have discovered, someone bumps against me and grabs my jacket, preventing them from falling on their ass.

I am surprised when I see familiar eyes looking around like it does something secretly. His hand accidentally knocks the mug out of my hand, so it hits the floor and gets shattered.

"It's not my fault." Seth asserts as he is standing a couple of steps back from the counter, just far enough away to avoid the growing puddle of coffee and chipped ceramic seeping into his shoes.

"It's your fault, baby, whether you accept it or not," I smirk and cross my arms over my chest.

He turns back and says to his bodyguards, "Just tell him that it's not my fault."

I look over his shoulders and notice them standing behind him. I don't know how love will bloom between us if they are with him. And I don't recognize how he will spend his time thinking about me if they stick to him, always. I need to do something to make them stay away from him.

I raise an eyebrow at him amusedly as he grumbles to himself, "I swore to God that it wasn't me. He blames me for his mistake!" He is such a drama queen, and I like it.

I let my eyes rake over his body as he talks with his bodyguards. "You're wearing this? To work?" It seems like he is working at some office.

When he hears my voice, he looks down at himself to make sure everything is okay. "Yeah, why?" He chides although, he doesn't really mean it. "What's wrong with it?" He catches himself in the mirror on the wall and smirks proudly, knowing that he is perfect. 

"Nothing," I say as I drag my eyes slowly up and down his body, my tongue darting out to wet my lips. "I don't know how any of those workers do their work sincerely."

He looks down at himself once again and raises an eyebrow at me, "It's not that bad, and it's the best to wear for an office other than anything."

I smirk and raise my eyebrows with blue eyes are bright, "Yeah... The suit is best to wear for office, but in this suit, I can see your nipples, and your pants leave very little to the imagination."

"Shut up, you idiot." He folds his arms over his chest, feeling his face heat up. He doesn't want to talk to me anymore, so he tries to leave, but I grab his hand, not letting him move.

His bodyguards move forward and shove me away from him. I look over their shoulders to see him and say loudly enough to hear him, "I can't understand you, baby. You just came here and knocked the mug out of my hand. Now you hide behind these mountains!"

"Who told you that I was hiding behind them?" He asks and pushes them away to let himself in front. He takes his wallet out and gets some dollars before handing it to me. "I think you shut your mouth now."

I am amazed when he slides his wallet into his back pocket because I don't think he has enough room to get it in there. I pull him toward me by his skinny navy tie and slide the money in his jacket pocket.

I smirk when he pushes me away and walks out of the coffee shop with his bodyguards. I follow behind him and wave a hand at him as he glares at me before getting in the car.

Seth POV:

Whenever I meet Dean, he talks about some unnecessary things and makes me feel uncomfortable. I look down at myself to make sure whether he is right. I dress like this every day for work, and I never give much thought to how tight my clothes are or how thick they can be. It's what I feel comfortable in, and I look great at it.

I shake my thoughts away and grab my tie to slide inside the jacket before buttoning it. Shit! How did I forget this? I slide my hand inside my coat and take the cover out of it.

I smirk at myself as I look over it, feeling proud. When I bumped into that idiot in the coffee shop, I stole this cover from him. I want to know what he took from my office. If he stole something important, I would call the cops and put him in jail. Then he will spend his entire life behind those bars by just counting on it.

My eyes widen when I open the cover to see what's inside that. It has a photo of mine. Why did that fucker get my picture from my office? What will he do with my photograph? Several questions form in my mind, so I ask my bodyguards to get any suggestions.

"Hey boys, do you have any suggestions about him getting my photo in our office?" I ask and wait for their opinion on this.

"Maybe he would plan to kidnap you!" Akam suggests as he drives the car back to our office.

"What?!" I look at him, shocked, and pat Rezar's shoulder. "What is he telling?"

"Maybe he has a point, Mr. Rollins. Just think about it, for what purpose he needs your photo!" He confuses me even more, so I'm irritated and lean back against the seat with my arms crossed. I have to do something and handle this issue personally, wanting to show everyone that Vince McMahon's grandson will do exactly, like Vince McMahon! 

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