Chapter 13

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Seth POV:

The elevator has stopped, and we are stuck here. Together! I didn't expect my day could worse like this. I could stick in this elevator with anyone, but not with Dean. I'm not only stuck with this elevator and also with him.

"No! You've got to be kidding me!" I snap out, immediately pressing the emergency button.

"Relax, baby." I hear him drawl from behind me. "It's just a stopped elevator. It would happen all the time."

How does he know? Shit! I should be aware of these shitty mall elevators. The problem isn't the fact I'm stuck in the elevator; the problem is who's with I'm stuck. It is my worst nightmare on so many levels. I'm now in a confined space, listening to God's awful elevator music with Dean Ambrose.

My thoughts are interrupted when I hear a voice crackle from the speaker above our heads, giving a brief reprieve from the shitty music. "We're sorry, boys. Look like there has been a power surge. The complete building has gone haywire."

"What?!" I shriek. "How long?"

"A few hours." The speaker spills out.

"How long is 'a few hours'?" Dean asks, far calmer than me.

"Three. Maybe four!" The voice crackles with a touch of apology. "Again, sorry. Sit tight, okay."

There is a sharp snap when they disconnect the speaker, and the music begins pumping back in. I immediately start thumping my head against the door. "Perfect. Simply perfect."

"Look like we've stuck for a while," Dean says. I turn just in time to see him sliding on the floor against the back wall, smirking at me.

"I'm in hell," I say to myself because this is the only explanation I can give now. "It's been hell for me to stick in an elevator with you with this fucking music providing the soundtrack to my torment!"

"You need to chill up, baby." He chuckles and digs into his pocket to take a small bottle of Jack. He tosses it to me. "I've only got this for you to drink if you feel thirsty. Don't drink this too fast because there are no urinals in here."

I catch the bottle readily and put it aside, "You're disgusting."

"Oh, stop being a drama queen and sit down." He counters, waving his hand at the space next to him for me.

I huff and look around the place to find a spot until he asks, "Are your sweatpants too royal to sit on the fucking floor?" He protests, releasing an exasperated sigh. "Just come and sit next to me, Seth."

I am ardently opposed to being on that side of the elevator and settle for sliding down the steel doors across from him. We stay in tense silence for a few minutes, neither sure what exactly to say until he breaks the silence between us. "So, how did you feel when I kissed you?"

I groan in disgust, not wanting to remember that moment. "Don't talk to me, Dean."

He smirks. "I felt an electric vibe when my lips touched you. Every cell in my body begged not to leave your lips, but those idiots pulled me away from you. Your lips are really soft, and it makes me think to do bad things to you."

I glare at him. "Do you take anything seriously that I have said?"

"Why on earth would I do that?" He chuckles. "You're so uptight, and it's my life's mission to unwind you."

I sigh and look over my bags, not wanting to talk to him. I take my phone out and start to play a game, keeping myself busy. I hope this will help me get away from him and the boredom.

"Look, we're stuck in here for a long time." He says with a sly smirk, moving to plant himself next to me.

I get tensed but feel my face flush at the closeness of him. A tingle runs up my skin on the side where he is pressing against, like electricity. It is something that scares me and makes me want to hate him so badly.

"Least we can do is make the best of it." He continues, but I'm not exactly sure what he means. By the sparkle in those baby blues, I'm sure he has something on his mind. Does he be worth planning on something against the great Vince McMahon's grandson?

The next thing I know is, there is a warm pressure on my knee. I look down and see Dean's fingers splaying over my joint with his thumb absently rubbing along the inside. My mouth goes dry suddenly, and my tongue feels almost too big for my mouth.

"What are you doing?" I ask, slapping his hand away from me.

"Making the best of it." He answers and gently pulls me by the chin to turn my head toward him before leaning in to brush his lips against mine. My eyes go wide as I'm in shock, and all the blood in my body is halted, trying to figure out what is happening.

Before I realize it, he further goes and tangles his fingers in my hair, trying desperately to pull me closer to him. The fog on my brain removes and makes me realize what is happening when he probes his tongue onto my lips, demanding entrance.

"You sneaky bastard!" I push him away and glare at him. I grab my bags and take everything out to throw at him, one by one. He shoves it away and smirks at me.

I get frustrated when the last object has been thrown, and there is no object for me to throw at him now. I look around the small space and find his small bottle of Jack throwing at him.

He catches the bottle and slips it back into his pocket. "Thank God, I caught it."

I give him a disgusting look and cross my arms over my chest, waiting for the elevator door to be opened. My eyes are on him, noticing his every activity and making sure that he doesn't try to reach me again. 

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