Chapter 42

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Dean POV:

Roman and I sit on the balcony, enjoying breakfast while discussing my job, and he has come over here for my request since we are good friends. The weather is getting a little hot again, but I can really enjoy the stiff wind, which comes down from the mountains. It is perfect for a substantial breakfast.

"Doesn't he look like a real cute pirate with the stitches on his cheek?" I ask, munching full-mouthed while pointing to Seth, who appears in the doorway.

He still seems a little sleepy and, as I mention the stitches, his hand rises to his cheek. "Shut up, Dean!" He growls and steps onto the balcony.

"Everything's all right?" Roman asks in return for Seth's growl, but I shrug my shoulders and glance at him.

I can understand that my baby is not in the mood to answer now, so I reply for him. "He doesn't have his coffee yet. You know he turns into a human after the first sip." I reach over the table and give my eye-rolling, yawning boyfriend the coffeepot. "Here, baby!" But he snorts as he takes the pot from me.

Roman grins at his cinnamon roll. He doesn't want to talk over him as Seth's sitting next to him, but he knows that I'm right, so he doesn't say anything helpful for some minutes. "Got late last night?" He asks me gently.

I shrug my shoulders casually. "Not late to bed, but.. you know. The baby likes to sleep long on some days!" I answer, sipping my coffee and leaning back in the chair.

"Don't call me baby!" Seth mutters and looks hypnotized in his mug.

Roman fights against a giggle, so he inhales deeply and shakes his head. When he arrived here, the house was utterly silent because Seth was asleep. And I was calm, not even turning on the music or other kind of noises.

Seth isn't always like that, but most of the time, he is up earlier and makes my life a little hell. Now he is referring to a magazine for quiet moments before standing up. "We have mashed eggs?"

I nod to the door. "On the stove. I hope they're still hot. You can have the last bacon, too!"

He shakes his head as he is walking by, holding the empty coffeepot in hand. "No bacon." He murmurs, walking over to the kitchen.

My attention turns back to Roman when he asks curiously, "How do you survive with such a morning grouch?"

I smile softly. "It's easy. You have to wait till Seth is real awake.. or I'll kiss all over his face. That helps, too."

He punches me against the shoulder and covers his ears. "I don't want this kind of information!" He yells and shakes his head, but I'm grinning, and the kind of how I laugh that he can't figure out if I'm honest or amused about his reaction.

Seth reappears without a pot but a plate with eggs. He puts the plate down but doesn't sit. His view raises, and Seth's locking eyes with me. His face suddenly lights up, and he walks around the table. "Thank you!" He murmurs, leaning down to press his lips against mine.

We kiss softly with much passion, and as he turns away to concentrate on his plate of eggs, I sit here for a moment with closed eyes and a relaxed expression. I slowly open my eyes and look over the table quietly to survey him.

"So you're in love with a pirate!" Roman asks with a grin.

"Shut up, Ro!" I murmur and shoot him a knowing look.

He laughs up. "What happened, Seth?" He raises his voice for the question.

Again, the brown-haired beauty touches the three stitches on his cheek. "Don't know... Some guy appeared, showed a knife at me, started bleeding.." He answers with a full mouth.

"..And become a pirate." I finish the sentence, grinning at him.

He shoots me a smiling view before turning his attention to Roman. "You know people will become a pirate easily in his dictionary. I really wish that I've lost my cool and knocked him out with a headbutt." He whispers to him, who starts chuckling.

"But the stitches are really looking a bit pirate." Roman means what I have said and grins at me.

Again Seth looks up from his eggs. "Don't you start, too!"

We laugh and enjoy our breakfast pleasantly before getting into a serious topic. As I'm doing so, I don't want my baby here because I don't want him to stress about our life and lose his moderate nature. I try to bring an excuse, but suddenly the words let out of my mouth shock me and make me sit in front of Roman, like a fool. "Shall we shopping for Christmas a little earlier?"

"Of course." He grins and stands up from the couch, blowing a kiss at me. "I'm going to get ready." With that, he waves a hand at us and disappears into the room.

I hold my head frustratedly as Roman laughs at me. There's no way of blaming either of them now; it's all my mistake. I chew my lip nervously and give a sad face to him, hoping he will not make me remember what I have done a minute ago.

Without noise, I inform him that I have got a job in a bar. I'm sure bartending will be fun. I can meet lots of different people and return home with loads of tips every night. I'm excited about it so much and plan to save up some money to open a bar of my own.

When he gets my idea, he pats my shoulder and encourages me but warns me also about my carelessness. He advises me not to spend money on unnecessary things, and I know what he means it. Taking everything in my mind, I lean back on the chair and dream about my future.

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